Thursday, January 30, 2014

Macklemore and Constraining Labels.

Ok, this has been an issue that has been driving me crazy my entire life, but the recent Macklemore and Ryan Lewis performance at the Grammys has given me a good forum to discuss it.
Some members of the LGBTQWTFGFDETC community have been condemning Macklemore for speaking for them, or for cashing in on their suffering. They clearly have not been paying attention to his lyrics nor his interviews, but that is beside the point.
The main issue is this obsession with labels. This obsession with "Us vs. Them".
Bisexuals really know this sting, because they are largely ostracized from dating the homosexual community and are often met with scorn by the heterosexual community aswell.
Everyone has become so obsessed with identifying What you are, they they have forgotten to ask you Who you are.

Gender, sexuality, spirituality and many more are much more fluid concepts than people are portraying them.
You could be born with masculine physical characteristics, be attracted to both genders sexually, be romantically attracted to mostly females, and view yourself as more sensual or pretty than is largely accepted for your birth gender. This could mean that you prefer to wear dresses and heels, or it could mean that you just like wearing pretty nail polish.
Does this make you a CIS Bisexual Hetero-romantic transvestite?

No, it makes you a human.

What is important is identifying what makes you happy, and who makes you happy, not obsessing about labels.
If you find yourself loving someone who is not attracted to you, or maybe not attractive to you, don't run away from it because it goes against the normal labels, embrace it. It's platonic love and there is nothing wrong with it.
Don't walk away from loving someone because they are a heterosexual male and you've always identified yourself as a homosexual female.

Stop trying to identify yourself. All it does is limit your options and reduce your potential happiness. On all sides of the field. Everyone is trying to wedge themselves into one particular label, when that is the exact opposite of what they should be doing.

You know who you are, you don't need a label to specify. And any label you adopt is going to fall short of the depth and the complexity that makes up each and every one of us.

Be the person you want to be and love the person (or people) that you want to love. Or don't. Maybe you just don't go for the whole love thing, maybe sex is wholly unappealing to you. That's fine too.
Do what makes you happy.

If it involves another person or creature, make sure you have their personal and legal consent for any sexuality involving them, but otherwise it's totally up to you and them as to how you express your love and sexuality.

That's the point of the song by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis.
We are who we are, and we should not be restricted from loving someone because of the labels that someone else has imparted onto us.

And a big step in that is not labeling ourselves. It's no-one else's business who you are attracted to, and you are under no obligation to follow any standard rules or formula. You can love a 60 year old woman and a 20 year old man, a trans female to male, a asexual, whatever the hell you want.
But it is important that you view them as people, not labels. And that other people also try to avoid labeling your love.

It's love, or sex, or friendship.

Those are the only labels you need.

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