Saturday, January 22, 2011

Two do-overs to Review

Tron: Legacy and The Green Hornet

Tron- A worthy sequel to the original. Like the original it was all style and very limited substance. They follow the extremely simple plot and all of the standard tropes we expect in an action/adventure film.


Guy rescues dad, dad makes heroic sacrifice, enemy is redeemed, guy gets girl, and heroes escape.

The movie was very pretty as expected, and you walk out of the theater thinking "Man, I really want those batons that turn into motorcycles or jets. Hell yes."

Green Hornet:
A good idea. Horribly executed.
Honestly with the number of big names involved, I expected much better. Seth Rogen was the worst possible choice for the Green Hornet. His jokes stop being funny about two minutes in and you just want him to shut the hell up so that you can go back to watching Kato kick the hell out of people.
Kato was also less impressive than the TV show. To go from Bruce Lee to some Chinese Pop star is just not a fair trade. They did their best to make him impressive, but they had to give him every skill in the world along with reality-bending super powers to make him anywhere near Bruce. Bruce Lee's Kato was an interesting character. This new Kato is a Mary-Sue. Every problem in the movie is solved by Kato, the title character need not even show up.

For my money, it was a reasonable way to spend an evening, the car was cool, the explosions were cool, that's enough to make me stick around. But really, if there is anything else you'd rather see, go see that instead.