Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Movie Review!

So, I realize that I'm late to the party on this one, but here is my review of "The Hunger Games".

So, I'll preface this with stating that I never read the books, nor did I look up anything on Wikipedia before watching this movie. All I knew was what I saw on TV trailers and interviews. Like I was aware that the main character was an archery chick named Katniss, and the main Fanfiction pairing was Katniss/Peta or "Peniss".

So started the movie...


Katniss and Peta live in District 12, which apparently the US had a massive civil war of some kind and afterwards all of the country was divided into districts. Districts 1 & 2 were super rich, districts 11 & 12 were like 1930's poor.

Turns out that every year 24 children ages 12-17 are drafted into a reality TV show. But the point of the show is to kill the other players rather than vote them off the island or whatever.

Katniss volunteers to save her younger sister and Peta is drafted like normal. They go to District 1 and are groomed for the game. They train, and they try to entice sponsors.

Now as far as I can tell, sponsors are totally bullshit. Katniss's sponsor helps her twice. Once they gave her some burn cream when she was hit by a fireball, and the second time they sent some soup for Peta when he got sick during the games.

Now there are a few major problems I have with the entire concept.

#1 Who the fuck cares about sponsors?
Seriously, They don't help you much, but apparently they are a major factor to the game, I honestly don't see it.
Better Idea, if you were a kid living in this setting, you should train like a motherfucker FROM BIRTH to compete in the game. Even if you are never selected, you are still learning good skills and discipline. The kids from Area 1 supposedly always win, because they spend their childhoods training, and then volunteer at the maximum age. Why the hell doesn't every district do that? Every year, pick like four kids to be the volunteers in 17 years, everyone pulls together and makes sure those kids are training non-stop, and then at age 17 the volunteer for the games. Even if they lose, it's still better for everyone in their district. Because the children decide how many rations everyone gets for the year by how many raffle tickets they take. So what they should do is elect the tribute amongst themselves before the "Reaping day" and the day of, EVERYONE takes as many tickets as possible. The person who lost the raffle before volunteers, and everyone else, including the Tribute's family, get a shitload of resources for the following year. It's a no-brainer.
So with 17 years of training, the tribute should be a fairly even match for the tributes from District 1, because their wealth doesn't mean anything in the game, they don't get to take any supplies with them.

#2 How does no-one notice that the people running the game clearly cheat?
Seriously, Katniss gets hit by a shitload of fireballs and then chased by dogs. They also change the rules of the game, mid-game, Twice! I suppose it's being true to reality TV in that everything is staged, but if everyone knows that, then the premise shouldn't be making the sponsors like you, it should be making the people running the game like you. If you gotta give a blowjob to Mr. Evil-Mc-Evil-Beard to make sure he doesn't shoot fireballs at you, then shut up and suck that dick. Your life LITERALLY depends on it.

#3 If things are so bad in the outer districts, why hasn't there been more civil wars or Riots?
Supposedly everyone behaves because all of the Army/ Police force are from Districts 1 & 2. But honestly, how many of them could possibly be in the military compared to everyone else who works & lives in those districts?
Furthermore, who does all of the "shit jobs" in Districts 1 & 2? Clearly they don't do it themselves, everyone in those districts are super decadent, but decadent people are less capable of taking care of themselves, not more.
Theoretically Districts 1 & 2 should also have a working/slave class pampering all the rich bitches, and in that case, their entire military would be devoted to keeping those people from revolting, not worrying about the outer districts.
And apparently they even have divisions whose entire job is to make sure nobody leaves their district or goes off to live in the woods.

So where the fuck are all of these military people coming from? They are clearly describing a Spartan-esque military state on one hand, and then a super decadent Roman state on the other.

The only way for these numbers to add up is if they have a 90-10 population split. If all of the people live in the central districts and the outer districts were almost ghost towns then it would make sense. But it also makes it so that it would be LITERALLY impossible for anyone from the outer districts to win the hunger games.
The United States have a population of 300 million.
Peru has a population of 30 million.
If we had a global tournament of games to judge each nation by sports... Oh wait, we do! Let's do the math here.
In the 2012 Summer Olympics the US won 46 gold medals.
Peru won zero medals in the 2012 Summer Olympics.

The US has won 990 gold medals in Olympic history.
Peru has won ONE gold medal.. Ever. In 1948.

It's simple logic, the more people in your population, the wider the variables in that population. So you are much more likely to find a singular excellent athlete in a highly populated country than a small country.

So no matter which way you go, the logic of the movie doesn't work.
Either Katniss should have gotten her ass handed to her by vastly superior athletes or the government should have been overthrown a long time ago.

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