Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You are Here.

Protip: folks. The key to finding happiness is finding your place in the universe.

This is not as hard as it may seem.

This process does not mean you need to find your "calling" the one and only job that will make you happy for the rest of your life. Not everyone can be James Bond, nor would everyone really want to.

The trick is to find the qualities that you feel define yourself.

I am a story teller. I may for part of my life tell stories for a living, but I will continue to tell them regardless of whether people pay me. In Olden times I might have been a bard or a traveling minstrel, but more likely I'd just be the farmer in town who likes to tell people stories down at the pub.

This is one of the qualities that defines who I am in the universe. There are others, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Once you find one of these qualities in yourself, you have discovered how to make yourself happy.

I tell my stories, preferably to an audience, but even to myself is enough to satisfy me.

Once you have one of these qualities figured out, next define your place in the universe by the company you keep. Think about the 5 people you spend the most time with. Those people in certain ways are reflections of you. You keep them around because they have qualities that you like, and these are most likely qualities that you have in yourself.

Try to isolate these qualities and you will discover further definitions of yourself.
One of my 5 most seen friends is a man who loves to start shit. He revels in making people uncomfortable and saying the outrageous.

Upon reflection, I see that to a lesser degree, I am much the same. I get joy from making certain people uncomfortable, I love causing trouble that I know won't affect me or anyone I care about in a significant way.

This is all you need in life, figure out what defines you and you will figure out what makes you happy.

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