Saturday, April 11, 2009

Being Avante-garde is a game of who is fucking with whom.

The mean face of the Internet, they slide in every location and spread anger and mean spirits.

But here is the problem folks, we are the trolls.
They didn't spontaneously come into existence in the early 90's at the early stages of web forums. These people were already here, they were just afraid to act for fear of reprisal.

All people want to feel powerful and bigger than they are, Trolling lets an average person gain above average control over another person's life. It's like the way prank calling was back in the earlier days, except more people troll because there is much less chance of being recognized or caught. I could troll all of my friends, and they would never know it was me.

Think about it people, how many of you have entered a anonymous forum with the intent of starting a fight? How many of you have developed a reputation on user-name forums for being a trouble starter?

Most of us have. Even my father has. There is no way to fight the trolls because we are the trolls. As long as people feel powerless in their own lives, there will be trolls.

But here's where things get confusing. If everyone is a troll, how you tell who is trolling whom?

The standard rule of the internet is the first person pointed out has having been "trolled" is the rube, the other the troll. But, if outcomes reverse and the other person is referred to as a troll first, does that change the fact that the first person was trolling?

Nope, not really. The only way to tell who has been trolled can't really be measured, it's a big game of "you rage you lose" but with both sides shrouded in obscurity. So the game continues until someone yields or both sides get bored.

Not the greatest of past-times, but anything to give us a sense of control in our lives.

(Side note: been busy, will attempt to get back into a regular posting schedule. Short story series is in the works, but not ready for posting yet. Will keep everyone updated.)

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