Thursday, February 19, 2009

Capitalism is killing America.

Think about this simple set of facts. for this example we shall use a pyramid outline

1. top lvl: these are the people who have money. doesn't matter how they got it, however most of them inherited it. and i don't mean mildly wealthy, i mean excessively wealthy. these people have enough money invested to keep their family in this rank for hundreds of years assuming the economy stays the same. these people have very little in the ways of real concerns or needs. we shall call these people "the super lazy" from hence forth. they do no work, yet receive full benefits and beyond as if they had done the work.

2. second lvl: these are the management types. they are not quite as wealthy as the super lazy, but they are getting there. this lvl is plagued by nepotism and favors. The vast majority of all public figures are of this class. they usually don't do manual labor, however they do actually work. their work consists of manipulating the lvls below them to do the bidding of the lvl above them. they believe that with enough service provided to the lvl above them that they'll be admitted into the ranks of the super lazy. we shall call them "the bosses".

3. third lvl: thinkers. while the super lazy invest money and the bosses tell people to do something with the money, the thinkers are the ones who actually come up with the new ideas. this is a highly educated class for the most part and also highly regarded by all of the other classes. each member of this class has to earn his way into this class and it cannot be passed down. this is the designers, writers, architects, inventors. basically this class has the responsibility of solving all the problems for the other classes. they never get too involved with control or money, they are simply a commodity. a commodity that everyone wants and needs. for an individual this is the best class to be in, it is also the hardest to get into, you either have the qualities or you don't.

4. fourth lvl: the Doers. the doers are the people who actually do the real labor of the world. while the super lazy provide the money, the bosses the organization and the thinkers the idea, none of it would matter without the doers. realistically this should be the most powerful group because it has the most members. but, it is in fact the second weakest. this class is why the bosses exist. because without them the thinkers and the super lazy would have the majority of the world wanting equality of work (which the super lazy do none of) for equality of pay. the bosses have the responsibility of keeping this group constantly fighting against itself in order to keep them from organizing against the bosses and superlazy. this is done through politics and capitalism.

5. fifth lvl: the used. the used are the people who used to be of a higher class but due to whatever reason were shunted downward into a void. the majority in the Doers protect this group because they know they might someday join them while the bosses and super lazy just consider them to be a burden. they contribute nothing and have no upward mobility.

Now the problem.
People in a capitalist society believe that if they work hard enough then they will become wealthy and happy. this is not true for America. in America we aren't a capitalism, we are an Aristocracy. When the super lazy first created/joined their class they came to a realization. their position of power was reliant on the lower classes maintaining the workload for them. this means that if more people are moving up in the world then suddenly the country would become bloated and top-heavy and would cease to function.
just think about it. how many people serve you on a daily basis? you wake up and turn on the lights, thats the electric company and all of it's workers providing you power. when you hop into the shower yet another company had to work to get that water to you. the list piles on and on. and these are people that we as doers have to see as equals. they go through the same stuff we do. we give a service to gain a service. but here's the problem. think about how much time you have to work to pay for all your services. the super lazy don't have this problem, they don't have to work. the system as it is was designed to keep us as close to the bare minimum of human comforts as possible while giving us enough temptation of a higher life so that we keep trying to do better.

this system is rigged. but we knew that already. the best hopes any of us have is to be born into the super lazy or be gifted enough to earn our place in the bosses or the thinkers. but not all of us can be bosses or thinkers, nor should any of us really want to be in the super lazy. no most of us must be doers, and all of us live in fear of becoming the used. to protect ourselves from the super lazy, the bosses, and becoming the used, I recommend the following guides to life:

1- don't own more than you can carry in ONE carload. if you can manage it, don't own more than can be carried on your back. but carload is as close as we get these days. this gets rid of the primary temptation in capitalism: consumerism. the bosses get the thinkers to create all of these products that we think we need, but we really don't. I bet every one of us can make a list of the stuff that we can't enjoy life without, and the sum total of that stuff could easily fit in our cars.

2- Always be on the lookout for a better job. Ideally the bosses want us to get a job and stay there. it's much easier for them to manage us if we stay located in the same field. don't make their job easy. make it as difficult as goddamn possible.

3- don't buy into fads, religions, trends, causes, etc that don't give you tangiable benefits. if a church is offering you a free meal, then by all means, go. if not, fuck em. you don't need to belong to any group that doesn't benefit you.

4- do research before buying. these days soooo many of our products are purposely designed to go bad after X amount of time. this is bullshit. if possible try to find the products that are build to last. faulty products are just another way of securing more money away from us.

5- try to avoid owning a car. Cars are a very good means for controlling us and removing our wealth. they cost money to gain, they cost money to operate, they cost money to repair, they cost money to refuel, and they cost money to replace. ANY public transportation method is better than owning a car. this part works better in zones that allow for it. (those of us in California are screwed)

6- try to avoid spending too much money on the thinkers. they do come out with all of our entertainment, but they aren't as valuable in that sense as we think they are. and when we over spend on them, it's just more money going to people who already have money by the definition of their class. instead of buying a book, just borrow it from a library. instead of going to the movie theater, just buy it on DVD or rent it. if you like a TV show then by all means watch it. but watch it when it's convient to you. not when they want to regulate your life. hence why my hat is off to the thinker who invented Tivo.

These are the ones that I could come up with late at night. by all means, think of some more and we'll add them to the list. (assuming they are sound) most importantly, just think for yourselves. don't live the life that "society" wants you to. lead the life that you want to. can you imagine what it'd be like if suddenly everyone in America decided that the work week should be four days long instead of five? it'd be chaos in the streets for a month straight. because we are soo trained with how we're supposed to live.
(this rant shall continue on another tangent at a later date)

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