Ok, Thats enough old content for now. I have a couple more I am saving for next time I fail to deliver an article on time.
Time for new content.
Cheaters and the cheating cheats they cheat for.
Most people who actively date have been cheated on, atleast once.
Some times it's something relatively innocent like "We got drunk and woke up naked next to eachother." Not something to be proud of, but forgivable.
Then there is the brain/hammer pairing of people who demand attention at all times, and people foolish enough to give them attention.
Monogamy is a feature that most people assume in a relationship. Unless specified to the contrary, it is expected to always be faithful to the person you are seeing. Even if you are only casually dating, it's still bad form to be dating more than one person at a time.
But people time and again fall into this habit of cheating. It seems to be specific people, not a universal quality. So a person who cheats on one significant other, is highly likely to cheat on another. This has gotten to the point where it should be a lie-detector test for first dates.
"Hi! Have you ever cheated on a significant other? Yes? Ok, we're done here. Have a nice life."
I shit you not, that one question, answered honestly would save people months of drama. Honestly, I feel cheaters should only be allowed to date other cheaters. If you feel that you deserve to have a woman on the side, any woman you date should feel the same entitlement.
Those of us who manage to resist the urge to stray can hang out in the drama-free zone and enjoy our stable commitments. We can enjoy our relationships that end safely without adultery.
The most horrible thing about cheaters is this:
They don't care enough about the other person to tell them that they are seeing other people. People who cheat, clearly care more about themselves than about their partner. That's not love, that's serial lust. These people go through the motions of monogamy so they can get in the bedroom, but have no interest in remaining monogamous.
These people suck, and should go live in a leper colony.
(yes, I do believe that cheaters can reform from their ways, I just don't find it likely)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
American Politics and Money.
Ok Americans, in the words of Hancock, You are all idiots.
Im sure many of you don't qualify for this, but the majority of you do.
For some time now I've been advocating a massive overhaul of our system for the mere survival of our way of life. And nobody listened. Americans, like a large percentage of the world's population, don't get concerned until their pocketbooks are affected.
Here's some news folks, your pocketbooks have been in jeopardy for quite awhile now.
our national budget, I.E. all the money our federal government collects every year, is $2.5 trillion.
A pretty hefty sum.
However our federal Government OWES $10.4 trillion.
which means that for us to climb out of debt it would require us to shut down ALL government spending, everything up to and including firing all government employees, shutting down all government installations, and turning of the electricity and and running water in the white house, for four years and two months before we'd break even.
This isn't a new fact, the number used to be lower, but we've been in debt for decades.
Yet nobody bothered to pay off that debt.
Then over the last eight years we've had a spend-crazy executive branch of our government, that encouraged de-regulation of all business and even encouraged the public to spend money frivolously.
This is repeated history Americans.
1929 people did the same thing. We all know how that ended. In that time many people spent past their means and bought alot of things on credit, a similar function as today's mortgage loans.
So why is ANYONE surprised when it all came crashing down?
You want to know how to save the country and your personal economy?
This really shouldn't be this hard...
I swear, It's like Im talking to a country of over-eaters who can't seem to fathom that losing weight might involve putting down the fork.
But more specifically, there are alot of simple steps that Americans can follow to minimize the risk and damage they receive in this financial crisis.
1. Don't invest your money in Stocks. Put it in reliable banks. The stock market is an extremely risky venture currently, and banks need your liquid assets to be able to grant people loans. After the stock market crash all banks are required to be FDIC insured, so if you put money in the bank, even if the bank goes under, your money isn't gone. Please be aware that there is a limit of $250,000 per depositor, so don't go throwing ridiculous amounts of money into one account.
2. Don't "buy" a house. with the exception of old property passed down between generations, nobody ever owns a house within their lifetime. They rent a house from a bank. They pay rent to the bank in the form of a monthly Mortgage payment. Don't fall into this trap, unless you live in a rural area where houses are the standard and costs are low enough to justify the buy-in, these are a financial trap. Many urban people feel that it is the American dream to live in a house with a white picket fence in the suburbs. This is simply not the case. What the American dream doesn't show you is the crushing debt and hidden expenses to owning a house. I live in an apartment and Im not tied to it for any term longer than my lease. Homeowners cannot leave their home unless they can find another person willing to take on their debt. Furthermore, homeowners have to pay for their own repairs. You know what I do when something breaks in my apartment? I call my landlord. They fix it, and I don't pay for it. Because the terms of my paying rent and staying in my apartment are that everything works. If things stop working, that gives me reason to seek housing elsewhere. They want to keep me around paying rent, so they foot the cost of the repairs.
3. Don't waste money on unnecessary expenses. I know X-mas is coming and everyone wants to forget their troubles on elaborate and expensive gifts to cheer eachother up. Don't. Just buy something simple that you know they will like, or something they need. When I needed a new computer a few years ago, I told everyone that all I wanted for x-mas/birthday was money for a new computer. And low and behold, everyone chipped in $20-50 and I used that money to pay for a large portion of my new computer. It was easier for them, less time consuming, and overall cheaper than spending $20+ on me per event. And in the end I got something I needed and wanted, and everyone got the satisfaction of knowing their gift brought me happiness. It doesn't need to be that complicated, just try to get people ONE thing they want/need, rather than a dozen things they may or may not even care about.
4. Try to find cheap ways of spending your free time. I hate to say it, but now is not the time to be spending $50 on a meal and another $30 on two movie tickets, one soda, and one bag of popcorn. Just plan your dates more practically. Instead of going to an expensive restaurant try to find a relatively inexpensive but interesting restaurant. Pubs and ethnic food are often a good choice, as the food is different, the decor is interesting, and the price is right. Then just go to the movie. Don't buy sodas and popcorn. The sodas just make you need to pee and the popcorn soaked in that butter-like sludge just makes you break out. Instead of holding your popcorn, hold your date's hand.
Novel concept, I know.
Try to find group activities that don't involve spending money. Here's one. Play baseball once a week. Im sure you can find a park somewhere that you can play in, and everyone will actually enjoy the exercise and carefree experience.
America can pull through this economic crisis, It just requires everyone pulling their heads out of their own asses. We've had eight years of a tyrannical nutjob running the country, and nobody made a single motion to censure him, impeach him, nothing. Now everyone is freaking out over who the next person in the office will be, not realizing how much of a bloated mess that person will be inheriting.
It unfortunately will have to get worse before it gets better.
But it can get better.
You just have to show some concern BEFORE the shit hits the fan.
Just remember this visual folks:
If a person walks into a room with their hands full of shit, THAT should be your warning sign that it's time to leave, or stop them.
You shouldn't wait until they have thrown the shit at the ceiling fan and it comes raining down on top of you.
Not unless you want to be covered in shit anyways.
Im sure many of you don't qualify for this, but the majority of you do.
For some time now I've been advocating a massive overhaul of our system for the mere survival of our way of life. And nobody listened. Americans, like a large percentage of the world's population, don't get concerned until their pocketbooks are affected.
Here's some news folks, your pocketbooks have been in jeopardy for quite awhile now.
our national budget, I.E. all the money our federal government collects every year, is $2.5 trillion.
A pretty hefty sum.
However our federal Government OWES $10.4 trillion.
which means that for us to climb out of debt it would require us to shut down ALL government spending, everything up to and including firing all government employees, shutting down all government installations, and turning of the electricity and and running water in the white house, for four years and two months before we'd break even.
This isn't a new fact, the number used to be lower, but we've been in debt for decades.
Yet nobody bothered to pay off that debt.
Then over the last eight years we've had a spend-crazy executive branch of our government, that encouraged de-regulation of all business and even encouraged the public to spend money frivolously.
This is repeated history Americans.
1929 people did the same thing. We all know how that ended. In that time many people spent past their means and bought alot of things on credit, a similar function as today's mortgage loans.
So why is ANYONE surprised when it all came crashing down?
You want to know how to save the country and your personal economy?
This really shouldn't be this hard...
I swear, It's like Im talking to a country of over-eaters who can't seem to fathom that losing weight might involve putting down the fork.
But more specifically, there are alot of simple steps that Americans can follow to minimize the risk and damage they receive in this financial crisis.
1. Don't invest your money in Stocks. Put it in reliable banks. The stock market is an extremely risky venture currently, and banks need your liquid assets to be able to grant people loans. After the stock market crash all banks are required to be FDIC insured, so if you put money in the bank, even if the bank goes under, your money isn't gone. Please be aware that there is a limit of $250,000 per depositor, so don't go throwing ridiculous amounts of money into one account.
2. Don't "buy" a house. with the exception of old property passed down between generations, nobody ever owns a house within their lifetime. They rent a house from a bank. They pay rent to the bank in the form of a monthly Mortgage payment. Don't fall into this trap, unless you live in a rural area where houses are the standard and costs are low enough to justify the buy-in, these are a financial trap. Many urban people feel that it is the American dream to live in a house with a white picket fence in the suburbs. This is simply not the case. What the American dream doesn't show you is the crushing debt and hidden expenses to owning a house. I live in an apartment and Im not tied to it for any term longer than my lease. Homeowners cannot leave their home unless they can find another person willing to take on their debt. Furthermore, homeowners have to pay for their own repairs. You know what I do when something breaks in my apartment? I call my landlord. They fix it, and I don't pay for it. Because the terms of my paying rent and staying in my apartment are that everything works. If things stop working, that gives me reason to seek housing elsewhere. They want to keep me around paying rent, so they foot the cost of the repairs.
3. Don't waste money on unnecessary expenses. I know X-mas is coming and everyone wants to forget their troubles on elaborate and expensive gifts to cheer eachother up. Don't. Just buy something simple that you know they will like, or something they need. When I needed a new computer a few years ago, I told everyone that all I wanted for x-mas/birthday was money for a new computer. And low and behold, everyone chipped in $20-50 and I used that money to pay for a large portion of my new computer. It was easier for them, less time consuming, and overall cheaper than spending $20+ on me per event. And in the end I got something I needed and wanted, and everyone got the satisfaction of knowing their gift brought me happiness. It doesn't need to be that complicated, just try to get people ONE thing they want/need, rather than a dozen things they may or may not even care about.
4. Try to find cheap ways of spending your free time. I hate to say it, but now is not the time to be spending $50 on a meal and another $30 on two movie tickets, one soda, and one bag of popcorn. Just plan your dates more practically. Instead of going to an expensive restaurant try to find a relatively inexpensive but interesting restaurant. Pubs and ethnic food are often a good choice, as the food is different, the decor is interesting, and the price is right. Then just go to the movie. Don't buy sodas and popcorn. The sodas just make you need to pee and the popcorn soaked in that butter-like sludge just makes you break out. Instead of holding your popcorn, hold your date's hand.
Novel concept, I know.
Try to find group activities that don't involve spending money. Here's one. Play baseball once a week. Im sure you can find a park somewhere that you can play in, and everyone will actually enjoy the exercise and carefree experience.
America can pull through this economic crisis, It just requires everyone pulling their heads out of their own asses. We've had eight years of a tyrannical nutjob running the country, and nobody made a single motion to censure him, impeach him, nothing. Now everyone is freaking out over who the next person in the office will be, not realizing how much of a bloated mess that person will be inheriting.
It unfortunately will have to get worse before it gets better.
But it can get better.
You just have to show some concern BEFORE the shit hits the fan.
Just remember this visual folks:
If a person walks into a room with their hands full of shit, THAT should be your warning sign that it's time to leave, or stop them.
You shouldn't wait until they have thrown the shit at the ceiling fan and it comes raining down on top of you.
Not unless you want to be covered in shit anyways.
Astrophysics and Religion (extended edition)
Astrophysics, Religion, and Cycles Theory
This is to be a study in the nature of the universe and of religion, throughout it's course we will attempt to find the connection between all things.
Let us begin with an analysis of the various religions and their similar traits. Firstly, they all fill the basic human questions, I.E. where do we come from? where are we going? in the christian faith we are believed to have been created by Yahweh and if we lead a good life we shall eventually re-join him in Paradise. This belief coincides with a number of other religions (obviously all of the judeo-christian) and also the Hindu/Buddhist belief too. In both of these religions it is believed that the soul is reincarnated through various lifetimes, but the origin of the soul is from the god Atman. Atman is said to be a god who became bored with his solitary existence, so he divided himself up into nearly uncountable parts, dividing his consciousness into millions upon millions of souls. at this point Atman was divided, so he became Brahman, and further divided himself into the lesser gods (ganesha, shiva, Kali, etc) these gods were given the duty of creating and after a preset amount of time, destroying the world. for Atman life is a constantly recycling experience, and he experiences it from all possible angles, however the religion fails to identify where exactly Atman came from.
There are even more similarities found in christianity this way, as the bible speaks of a new earth were the faithful will go to live when they die. the hebrews call it paradise, Eden version 2.0. but one can expect that just as Adam and eve ate the apple, these people on the new earth/paradise will be unable to help themselves and the cycle will repeat. The only problem in this cycle is yet again , a complete lack of identification of the being who supposedly started the cycle. yahweh, god, etc.
The answer therefore cannot lie in religion, as all religions share the same problem that there is no account of an origin for a creator. This is most likely due to the fact that back when these religions were founded, Creator gods were simply thought to have always been there, however simple logic tells us that on a limitless timeline and infinite empty space a solitary omnipotent being doesn't simply pop into existence, nor can he possibly pre-date his own place of occupation. I being cannot occupy space if there is no space, therefore the space must pre-date the creator.
If the answer is not in religion, we next go to check science. The primary working theory for the creation of the universe has been widely accepted as the big bang theory. for those unfamiliar, the big bang is the belief that at some point in limitless time and space there existed a sphere, this sphere was super dense and contained all matter and energy that now exists in what we call the universe. Suddenly the ball exploded, and sent matter and energy off into every corner of the universe (metaphorically, since infinite space by definition cannot have corners) This theory is widely accepted by the science community, but however contains a number of distinct problems that prove it to be flawed.
1- where did the sphere come from? just like a god, it is limited in origin. one cannot simply say "it was always there" because that answers no questions and simply raises more.
2- if the sphere had all the energy in the universe, why did it not explode earlier?
3- if the sphere had all the mass in the universe, what possible energy source could cause it to pull away from itself?
4- what made the sphere select the specific time that it did? why not earlier? why not later? why did it explode in the first place?
All of these questions leave the big bang theory as flawed and invalid.
At this point in my pursuit I was tempted to leave the answer here, there is no answer, life is meaningless. but I was unsatisfied, there must be an answer that satisfies all questions.
I began to work on the following theory:
What if the real answer is actually a combination of religion and science? Religion attempts to add answers where there is no fact, yet is beaten down by facts, Science tries to find meaning in facts, yet does not have any answers. the answer must surely be in the combination of the two theories.
I was reminded of the religious theory of cyclical history and repetition of action. consider this, what if the big bang theory was, in practice, correct, but incorrect in regards to time and duration. the problem with the big bang theory is that humans can only accurately measure it from when it begins to when it ends. so what if it's ending is also it's beginning? the sphere explodes, shoots matter and energy out in every direction and the matter becomes planets, the energy becomes stars, etc. but then, trillions of years later, the mass at the origin of the explosion starts to pull all the matter back towards the center. we all know that mass is attracted to gravity, and the more mass and density an object has, the larger the gravity. so as the universe starts to close in on itself it begins to reconstitute itself into a super dense sphere again, sucking in all matter and energy in the universe. and here is where molecular physics comes in, matter likes to remain as even spread out as possible, and this sphere is counteracting that principle based on the laws of gravity, but what this proves to us, is that eventually the laws of gravity can, and do break. eventually density surpasses gravity, and when that happens, the sphere explodes, the cycle begins again.
This leaves us with an interesting religious and scientific question:
Does time repeat itself? or is the cycle merely ever repeating?
Realistically, the answer doesn't matter, at the time of universal reset, all sentient lifeforms have been compressed into the sphere, and are therefore unable to record or even notice what is happening. at this point of reset, all life also resets, so the question is purely speculation.
I however was not satisfied with this.
I later concluded that the only reasonable explanation is for the cycle to be endlessly repeating through infinite time and space. the perception to a human would be the same as if time itself repeated, but if time were to repeat, then it would change the rules of physics we were basing this theory and all other beliefs on, up would become down, night would become day, etc.
But where does this leave us on a religious viewpoint?
Up for debate, it could be said that religion had some insight into this process, one could also argue that human or whatever "Souls" are part of the energy that is constantly exploded through out our limitless time and space.
For myself, I prefer to believe that Souls are the only thing that repeat in this process. I pursue this belief because the alternative is that we each get one life, period, over the course of limitless time and space, and regardless of how we do in this life, it's unimportant because in a few trillion years the universe will reset and nobody well ever even know that my species existed. For this i consider myself and optimist. I'd like to think that my soul will live on, even after my body is dead and is reconstituted back into the sphere.
SO I had a chance to discuss my theory with my uncle whom is a physics professor. He gave me the following notes:
1- This theory of mine is already known to the physics community, they refer to it as the "big bang/ big crunch" theory.
2- my idea was correct, if the universe contracted back into a ball, not only is it likely to blow up and expand again, but it has to.
3- the theory cannot be tested because in the last ten years scientists have discovered vast amounts of gravity and energy sources that they cannot see. they can tell that the energy or gravity is being used, but cannot see what is generating it. they refer to these two as "dark matter" and "dark energy". and apparently these two account for 96% of all the stuff in the universe, and we can't even see it. my uncle seemed slightly perturbed by this, as it means that scientists truly know that they know nothing. but he is excited that now there is 96% of the universe still to discover.
4- string theory is bullshit. in my uncle's words: "the mathematics line up beautifully, however it doesn't make any sense."
So yea, im just happy that my theory that i developed with very little scientific knowledge is a sound one and is fairly widely accepted.
(it is accepted as a theory, not as fact, currently scientists are trying to figure out whether the universe has more mass or more energy. if it's more mass then it means that the universe will contract and the cyclical theory is correct. if it is more energy then it means the universe will be ever-expanding until we reach heat death when the universe becomes too spread out.)
This is to be a study in the nature of the universe and of religion, throughout it's course we will attempt to find the connection between all things.
Let us begin with an analysis of the various religions and their similar traits. Firstly, they all fill the basic human questions, I.E. where do we come from? where are we going? in the christian faith we are believed to have been created by Yahweh and if we lead a good life we shall eventually re-join him in Paradise. This belief coincides with a number of other religions (obviously all of the judeo-christian) and also the Hindu/Buddhist belief too. In both of these religions it is believed that the soul is reincarnated through various lifetimes, but the origin of the soul is from the god Atman. Atman is said to be a god who became bored with his solitary existence, so he divided himself up into nearly uncountable parts, dividing his consciousness into millions upon millions of souls. at this point Atman was divided, so he became Brahman, and further divided himself into the lesser gods (ganesha, shiva, Kali, etc) these gods were given the duty of creating and after a preset amount of time, destroying the world. for Atman life is a constantly recycling experience, and he experiences it from all possible angles, however the religion fails to identify where exactly Atman came from.
There are even more similarities found in christianity this way, as the bible speaks of a new earth were the faithful will go to live when they die. the hebrews call it paradise, Eden version 2.0. but one can expect that just as Adam and eve ate the apple, these people on the new earth/paradise will be unable to help themselves and the cycle will repeat. The only problem in this cycle is yet again , a complete lack of identification of the being who supposedly started the cycle. yahweh, god, etc.
The answer therefore cannot lie in religion, as all religions share the same problem that there is no account of an origin for a creator. This is most likely due to the fact that back when these religions were founded, Creator gods were simply thought to have always been there, however simple logic tells us that on a limitless timeline and infinite empty space a solitary omnipotent being doesn't simply pop into existence, nor can he possibly pre-date his own place of occupation. I being cannot occupy space if there is no space, therefore the space must pre-date the creator.
If the answer is not in religion, we next go to check science. The primary working theory for the creation of the universe has been widely accepted as the big bang theory. for those unfamiliar, the big bang is the belief that at some point in limitless time and space there existed a sphere, this sphere was super dense and contained all matter and energy that now exists in what we call the universe. Suddenly the ball exploded, and sent matter and energy off into every corner of the universe (metaphorically, since infinite space by definition cannot have corners) This theory is widely accepted by the science community, but however contains a number of distinct problems that prove it to be flawed.
1- where did the sphere come from? just like a god, it is limited in origin. one cannot simply say "it was always there" because that answers no questions and simply raises more.
2- if the sphere had all the energy in the universe, why did it not explode earlier?
3- if the sphere had all the mass in the universe, what possible energy source could cause it to pull away from itself?
4- what made the sphere select the specific time that it did? why not earlier? why not later? why did it explode in the first place?
All of these questions leave the big bang theory as flawed and invalid.
At this point in my pursuit I was tempted to leave the answer here, there is no answer, life is meaningless. but I was unsatisfied, there must be an answer that satisfies all questions.
I began to work on the following theory:
What if the real answer is actually a combination of religion and science? Religion attempts to add answers where there is no fact, yet is beaten down by facts, Science tries to find meaning in facts, yet does not have any answers. the answer must surely be in the combination of the two theories.
I was reminded of the religious theory of cyclical history and repetition of action. consider this, what if the big bang theory was, in practice, correct, but incorrect in regards to time and duration. the problem with the big bang theory is that humans can only accurately measure it from when it begins to when it ends. so what if it's ending is also it's beginning? the sphere explodes, shoots matter and energy out in every direction and the matter becomes planets, the energy becomes stars, etc. but then, trillions of years later, the mass at the origin of the explosion starts to pull all the matter back towards the center. we all know that mass is attracted to gravity, and the more mass and density an object has, the larger the gravity. so as the universe starts to close in on itself it begins to reconstitute itself into a super dense sphere again, sucking in all matter and energy in the universe. and here is where molecular physics comes in, matter likes to remain as even spread out as possible, and this sphere is counteracting that principle based on the laws of gravity, but what this proves to us, is that eventually the laws of gravity can, and do break. eventually density surpasses gravity, and when that happens, the sphere explodes, the cycle begins again.
This leaves us with an interesting religious and scientific question:
Does time repeat itself? or is the cycle merely ever repeating?
Realistically, the answer doesn't matter, at the time of universal reset, all sentient lifeforms have been compressed into the sphere, and are therefore unable to record or even notice what is happening. at this point of reset, all life also resets, so the question is purely speculation.
I however was not satisfied with this.
I later concluded that the only reasonable explanation is for the cycle to be endlessly repeating through infinite time and space. the perception to a human would be the same as if time itself repeated, but if time were to repeat, then it would change the rules of physics we were basing this theory and all other beliefs on, up would become down, night would become day, etc.
But where does this leave us on a religious viewpoint?
Up for debate, it could be said that religion had some insight into this process, one could also argue that human or whatever "Souls" are part of the energy that is constantly exploded through out our limitless time and space.
For myself, I prefer to believe that Souls are the only thing that repeat in this process. I pursue this belief because the alternative is that we each get one life, period, over the course of limitless time and space, and regardless of how we do in this life, it's unimportant because in a few trillion years the universe will reset and nobody well ever even know that my species existed. For this i consider myself and optimist. I'd like to think that my soul will live on, even after my body is dead and is reconstituted back into the sphere.
SO I had a chance to discuss my theory with my uncle whom is a physics professor. He gave me the following notes:
1- This theory of mine is already known to the physics community, they refer to it as the "big bang/ big crunch" theory.
2- my idea was correct, if the universe contracted back into a ball, not only is it likely to blow up and expand again, but it has to.
3- the theory cannot be tested because in the last ten years scientists have discovered vast amounts of gravity and energy sources that they cannot see. they can tell that the energy or gravity is being used, but cannot see what is generating it. they refer to these two as "dark matter" and "dark energy". and apparently these two account for 96% of all the stuff in the universe, and we can't even see it. my uncle seemed slightly perturbed by this, as it means that scientists truly know that they know nothing. but he is excited that now there is 96% of the universe still to discover.
4- string theory is bullshit. in my uncle's words: "the mathematics line up beautifully, however it doesn't make any sense."
So yea, im just happy that my theory that i developed with very little scientific knowledge is a sound one and is fairly widely accepted.
(it is accepted as a theory, not as fact, currently scientists are trying to figure out whether the universe has more mass or more energy. if it's more mass then it means that the universe will contract and the cyclical theory is correct. if it is more energy then it means the universe will be ever-expanding until we reach heat death when the universe becomes too spread out.)
Capitalism is killing America.
Think about this simple set of facts. for this example we shall use a pyramid outline
1. top lvl: these are the people who have money. doesn't matter how they got it, however most of them inherited it. and i don't mean mildly wealthy, i mean excessively wealthy. these people have enough money invested to keep their family in this rank for hundreds of years assuming the economy stays the same. these people have very little in the ways of real concerns or needs. we shall call these people "the super lazy" from hence forth. they do no work, yet receive full benefits and beyond as if they had done the work.
2. second lvl: these are the management types. they are not quite as wealthy as the super lazy, but they are getting there. this lvl is plagued by nepotism and favors. The vast majority of all public figures are of this class. they usually don't do manual labor, however they do actually work. their work consists of manipulating the lvls below them to do the bidding of the lvl above them. they believe that with enough service provided to the lvl above them that they'll be admitted into the ranks of the super lazy. we shall call them "the bosses".
3. third lvl: thinkers. while the super lazy invest money and the bosses tell people to do something with the money, the thinkers are the ones who actually come up with the new ideas. this is a highly educated class for the most part and also highly regarded by all of the other classes. each member of this class has to earn his way into this class and it cannot be passed down. this is the designers, writers, architects, inventors. basically this class has the responsibility of solving all the problems for the other classes. they never get too involved with control or money, they are simply a commodity. a commodity that everyone wants and needs. for an individual this is the best class to be in, it is also the hardest to get into, you either have the qualities or you don't.
4. fourth lvl: the Doers. the doers are the people who actually do the real labor of the world. while the super lazy provide the money, the bosses the organization and the thinkers the idea, none of it would matter without the doers. realistically this should be the most powerful group because it has the most members. but, it is in fact the second weakest. this class is why the bosses exist. because without them the thinkers and the super lazy would have the majority of the world wanting equality of work (which the super lazy do none of) for equality of pay. the bosses have the responsibility of keeping this group constantly fighting against itself in order to keep them from organizing against the bosses and superlazy. this is done through politics and capitalism.
5. fifth lvl: the used. the used are the people who used to be of a higher class but due to whatever reason were shunted downward into a void. the majority in the Doers protect this group because they know they might someday join them while the bosses and super lazy just consider them to be a burden. they contribute nothing and have no upward mobility.
Now the problem.
People in a capitalist society believe that if they work hard enough then they will become wealthy and happy. this is not true for America. in America we aren't a capitalism, we are an Aristocracy. When the super lazy first created/joined their class they came to a realization. their position of power was reliant on the lower classes maintaining the workload for them. this means that if more people are moving up in the world then suddenly the country would become bloated and top-heavy and would cease to function.
just think about it. how many people serve you on a daily basis? you wake up and turn on the lights, thats the electric company and all of it's workers providing you power. when you hop into the shower yet another company had to work to get that water to you. the list piles on and on. and these are people that we as doers have to see as equals. they go through the same stuff we do. we give a service to gain a service. but here's the problem. think about how much time you have to work to pay for all your services. the super lazy don't have this problem, they don't have to work. the system as it is was designed to keep us as close to the bare minimum of human comforts as possible while giving us enough temptation of a higher life so that we keep trying to do better.
this system is rigged. but we knew that already. the best hopes any of us have is to be born into the super lazy or be gifted enough to earn our place in the bosses or the thinkers. but not all of us can be bosses or thinkers, nor should any of us really want to be in the super lazy. no most of us must be doers, and all of us live in fear of becoming the used. to protect ourselves from the super lazy, the bosses, and becoming the used, I recommend the following guides to life:
1- don't own more than you can carry in ONE carload. if you can manage it, don't own more than can be carried on your back. but carload is as close as we get these days. this gets rid of the primary temptation in capitalism: consumerism. the bosses get the thinkers to create all of these products that we think we need, but we really don't. I bet every one of us can make a list of the stuff that we can't enjoy life without, and the sum total of that stuff could easily fit in our cars.
2- Always be on the lookout for a better job. Ideally the bosses want us to get a job and stay there. it's much easier for them to manage us if we stay located in the same field. don't make their job easy. make it as difficult as goddamn possible.
3- don't buy into fads, religions, trends, causes, etc that don't give you tangiable benefits. if a church is offering you a free meal, then by all means, go. if not, fuck em. you don't need to belong to any group that doesn't benefit you.
4- do research before buying. these days soooo many of our products are purposely designed to go bad after X amount of time. this is bullshit. if possible try to find the products that are build to last. faulty products are just another way of securing more money away from us.
5- try to avoid owning a car. Cars are a very good means for controlling us and removing our wealth. they cost money to gain, they cost money to operate, they cost money to repair, they cost money to refuel, and they cost money to replace. ANY public transportation method is better than owning a car. this part works better in zones that allow for it. (those of us in California are screwed)
6- try to avoid spending too much money on the thinkers. they do come out with all of our entertainment, but they aren't as valuable in that sense as we think they are. and when we over spend on them, it's just more money going to people who already have money by the definition of their class. instead of buying a book, just borrow it from a library. instead of going to the movie theater, just buy it on DVD or rent it. if you like a TV show then by all means watch it. but watch it when it's convient to you. not when they want to regulate your life. hence why my hat is off to the thinker who invented Tivo.
These are the ones that I could come up with late at night. by all means, think of some more and we'll add them to the list. (assuming they are sound) most importantly, just think for yourselves. don't live the life that "society" wants you to. lead the life that you want to. can you imagine what it'd be like if suddenly everyone in America decided that the work week should be four days long instead of five? it'd be chaos in the streets for a month straight. because we are soo trained with how we're supposed to live.
(this rant shall continue on another tangent at a later date)
1. top lvl: these are the people who have money. doesn't matter how they got it, however most of them inherited it. and i don't mean mildly wealthy, i mean excessively wealthy. these people have enough money invested to keep their family in this rank for hundreds of years assuming the economy stays the same. these people have very little in the ways of real concerns or needs. we shall call these people "the super lazy" from hence forth. they do no work, yet receive full benefits and beyond as if they had done the work.
2. second lvl: these are the management types. they are not quite as wealthy as the super lazy, but they are getting there. this lvl is plagued by nepotism and favors. The vast majority of all public figures are of this class. they usually don't do manual labor, however they do actually work. their work consists of manipulating the lvls below them to do the bidding of the lvl above them. they believe that with enough service provided to the lvl above them that they'll be admitted into the ranks of the super lazy. we shall call them "the bosses".
3. third lvl: thinkers. while the super lazy invest money and the bosses tell people to do something with the money, the thinkers are the ones who actually come up with the new ideas. this is a highly educated class for the most part and also highly regarded by all of the other classes. each member of this class has to earn his way into this class and it cannot be passed down. this is the designers, writers, architects, inventors. basically this class has the responsibility of solving all the problems for the other classes. they never get too involved with control or money, they are simply a commodity. a commodity that everyone wants and needs. for an individual this is the best class to be in, it is also the hardest to get into, you either have the qualities or you don't.
4. fourth lvl: the Doers. the doers are the people who actually do the real labor of the world. while the super lazy provide the money, the bosses the organization and the thinkers the idea, none of it would matter without the doers. realistically this should be the most powerful group because it has the most members. but, it is in fact the second weakest. this class is why the bosses exist. because without them the thinkers and the super lazy would have the majority of the world wanting equality of work (which the super lazy do none of) for equality of pay. the bosses have the responsibility of keeping this group constantly fighting against itself in order to keep them from organizing against the bosses and superlazy. this is done through politics and capitalism.
5. fifth lvl: the used. the used are the people who used to be of a higher class but due to whatever reason were shunted downward into a void. the majority in the Doers protect this group because they know they might someday join them while the bosses and super lazy just consider them to be a burden. they contribute nothing and have no upward mobility.
Now the problem.
People in a capitalist society believe that if they work hard enough then they will become wealthy and happy. this is not true for America. in America we aren't a capitalism, we are an Aristocracy. When the super lazy first created/joined their class they came to a realization. their position of power was reliant on the lower classes maintaining the workload for them. this means that if more people are moving up in the world then suddenly the country would become bloated and top-heavy and would cease to function.
just think about it. how many people serve you on a daily basis? you wake up and turn on the lights, thats the electric company and all of it's workers providing you power. when you hop into the shower yet another company had to work to get that water to you. the list piles on and on. and these are people that we as doers have to see as equals. they go through the same stuff we do. we give a service to gain a service. but here's the problem. think about how much time you have to work to pay for all your services. the super lazy don't have this problem, they don't have to work. the system as it is was designed to keep us as close to the bare minimum of human comforts as possible while giving us enough temptation of a higher life so that we keep trying to do better.
this system is rigged. but we knew that already. the best hopes any of us have is to be born into the super lazy or be gifted enough to earn our place in the bosses or the thinkers. but not all of us can be bosses or thinkers, nor should any of us really want to be in the super lazy. no most of us must be doers, and all of us live in fear of becoming the used. to protect ourselves from the super lazy, the bosses, and becoming the used, I recommend the following guides to life:
1- don't own more than you can carry in ONE carload. if you can manage it, don't own more than can be carried on your back. but carload is as close as we get these days. this gets rid of the primary temptation in capitalism: consumerism. the bosses get the thinkers to create all of these products that we think we need, but we really don't. I bet every one of us can make a list of the stuff that we can't enjoy life without, and the sum total of that stuff could easily fit in our cars.
2- Always be on the lookout for a better job. Ideally the bosses want us to get a job and stay there. it's much easier for them to manage us if we stay located in the same field. don't make their job easy. make it as difficult as goddamn possible.
3- don't buy into fads, religions, trends, causes, etc that don't give you tangiable benefits. if a church is offering you a free meal, then by all means, go. if not, fuck em. you don't need to belong to any group that doesn't benefit you.
4- do research before buying. these days soooo many of our products are purposely designed to go bad after X amount of time. this is bullshit. if possible try to find the products that are build to last. faulty products are just another way of securing more money away from us.
5- try to avoid owning a car. Cars are a very good means for controlling us and removing our wealth. they cost money to gain, they cost money to operate, they cost money to repair, they cost money to refuel, and they cost money to replace. ANY public transportation method is better than owning a car. this part works better in zones that allow for it. (those of us in California are screwed)
6- try to avoid spending too much money on the thinkers. they do come out with all of our entertainment, but they aren't as valuable in that sense as we think they are. and when we over spend on them, it's just more money going to people who already have money by the definition of their class. instead of buying a book, just borrow it from a library. instead of going to the movie theater, just buy it on DVD or rent it. if you like a TV show then by all means watch it. but watch it when it's convient to you. not when they want to regulate your life. hence why my hat is off to the thinker who invented Tivo.
These are the ones that I could come up with late at night. by all means, think of some more and we'll add them to the list. (assuming they are sound) most importantly, just think for yourselves. don't live the life that "society" wants you to. lead the life that you want to. can you imagine what it'd be like if suddenly everyone in America decided that the work week should be four days long instead of five? it'd be chaos in the streets for a month straight. because we are soo trained with how we're supposed to live.
(this rant shall continue on another tangent at a later date)
Etiquite of Relationships.
Etiquitte of Relationships
Etiquitte of relationships
these rules are here as funny advice to avoid certain mishaps that most couples end up dealing with. they are not meant to be sexist or anything of the sort, just funny and hopefully helpful. if you don't find them to be either, then just don't read them next time. if you really don't like them then post a reply telling me how you feel about them, and maybe i'll take your advice.
1. guys, you are required to go shopping atleast once with your girlfriend. you are required not to gripe and complain and you must offer something resembling an opinion. girls, you must remember that what you invite him to shop for has direct corelation with how much he enjoys himself and if he'll ever go shopping with you again. for example if you take him lingerie shopping then he will definetly be back for another round. but if you take him shoe shopping then he may end up scarred for life and flee under a desk everytime you mention the word "shop". so pick your mission wisely.
2. girls, you have full right to ask your boyfriend really touchy questions like "does this make me look fat?" or "am I a better kisser than your ex?". and guys, you have full right to ignore them, act like you didn't hear the question and move on. nothing good can come from you answering a loaded question.
3. guys, if another guy offends your girlfriend's honor then you are required to step up for them. even if it means getting the ever living hell beat out of you. girls, if your boyfriend is involved in a fight especially about you, you are required to cheer him on, even if it is a stupid fight. and if your boyfriend does receive the world's biggest boot to the head, then you are obligated to stay with him and help him nurse his wounds. if the fight was in defense of you, then the boyfriend better be receiving alot of affection from you once he's healed. final clause: girls must never, ever, ever leave their boyfriend for the guy that just kicked his ass. i don't care how cute he is or how much of a wimp your boyfriend turned out to be. you just can't kick a man while he's down, especially if he's down because he fought for you.
4.guys, when you get a girlfriend, you are required to remove all of the phone numbers of your old girlfriends and bootycalls from your phone. it's ok to keep their number somewhere (in a 50 pound safe for example) but they must not be where your girlfriend can actually see them, thats just asking for trouble. girls, you are required not to look for phone numbers of old girlfriends. bootycalls. having their number doesn't actually do anything. you're not really gonna call them, all that this does is it gives you something else to argue about.
5. girls, you must never make any negative comments about the size of your boyfriend's equiptment. it's just not cool. guys, in return you must make no comments about her weight. these are both very touchy subjects so treat both with care. to be extra cautious a shrimply hung man should make comments about how light and graceful his girlfriend is. because if she's light and graceful then you must be big and powerful in comparison. it's the gift that keeps on giving.
6. guys and girls, don't write love letters and things of the sort and sign them "love forever" or "i'll always be yours". these will just come back to haunt you at the point of breakup, don't bring in the word "forever" until marriage.
7. guys, you are required to introduce your girlfriend to atleast two of your male friends. this does two things. it proves to your friends that she isn't just a myth and they get to secretly high-five you for getting laid, and your girlfriend gets to see what type of person you are when she's not around. if your friends act like drunken fratboys then she must assume that you act that way too, otherwise, why would you be friends with them? girls, you are forbidden from trying to seperate the boyfriend from is friends. yes they may be crude and disgusting guys, but they've been with him long before you met him and will still be there to bail him out of jail long after you've broken up.
8. girls, you are required to be nice and speak fondly of his mother. almost all men have a secret soft spot for "mom" and if you complain about her to them, then they'll complain about you to her. guys, the same is true of your girlfriend's father. you must speak well of him, even when she's upset at him, cause eventually her and her father will make up again and you'll be left with the guilt of calling her dad a horse's ass while they were fighting.
9. guys and girls. matching outfits, hell no. i don't care how cute they look but that is just taking the relationship too far. it's ok to have a similiar color scheme or for you both to wear the same rock band t-shirt. but matching wardrobe, hell no.
10. girls, your boyfriend is in no way required to let you take him shopping during your relationship. you have no control over how he dresses, just let him be. if he does decide to let you accompany him, try to stay as close to his original tastes as possible just make him dress a little bit neater. rome wasn't built in a day. guys, you are required to take your girlfriend with you when you go clothes shopping atleast once. try to get in and get out with as little of her opinion as possible, and may god have mercy on your soul.
11. guys, even if you did meet your girlfriend at a kegger or in the back seat of a stationwagon or whatever. don't spread that kind of info around. generally speaking girls don't like being portrayed as slutty, even when they are. and you just know that if another girl wanted to tease your girlfriend they would automatically bring up that particular story.
12. guys, if you used a pickup line when you first met your girlfriend, she has full right to tease you for it. girls, your boyfriends have full right to tease you for falling for it.
13. guys/ girls. if you're going out with the "boys" or the "girls" don't go anywhere your bf/gf frequents, nor anyplace that their friends frequent, nor any place that you as a couple go to. just a bad idea. it may have been harmless fun, but it won't be by the time the story gets back to your significant other. think "purple monkey dishwasher". a story about how you ran into an old girlfriend and bought her a drink will turn into you ran into an old girlfriend and disappeared into the mens room for a couple hours. the only exception to this rule is vegas. what happens at vegas, stays in vegas. even if you are seen there no-one, not even your partner's mother will tell them about it. because they next question is "well mom, what were You doing in that strip club?"
14. guys, at some point in your relationship you must recommend some sort of weird sexual act thats been floating in the back of your mind. they'll most likely shoot it down, but maybe, just maybe you might get that menage et trois. plus she can never accuse you of not being sexually adventerous. cause if they do you can just respond "well i asked if you wanted to try the praying monkey position". note: bonus points go to the guy who suggests anything from karma sutra.
15. guys, make sure to find out what "our song" is. if you can't recognize it she might be pissed. girls, he can't be blamed if you never tell him what "our song" is.
16. guys, you don't have to buy her diamonds and jewelry for her to be happy. just buy her flowers on her birthday and on your anniversary. they're not really expensive and they mean alot coming from you. you just have to actually put out some effort and learn what type of flowers she likes. note: flowers when she's feeling down can be more effective than hours of listening to her cry. they will remind her that you care without the need of you to actually care.
17. girls, treat your boyfriend to something special on his birthday or on your anniversary. if you've never given him head and you were thinking of expanding your relationship, now is the perfect time. plus it makes him actually care about dates and anniversaries. (he'll never forget it again). guys, this does not mean that you can try to get her to do anal on her birthday, unless of course she's been ranting about how much she wants to try it.
18. guys, atleast once in your relationship you should try to wake your girlfriend with a kiss. it's romantic, most likely she'll love it, just make sure she wasn't in vietnam or has a black belt or something. girls, try to respond in the same way to your boyfriend. wake him with a kiss, no, not on the lips. yea. every guy should experience it once. plus you'll be the one he's bragging about waking him with a blowjob for the next 2 years.
19. guys/girls, if possible try to go to your partner's work and take them out for lunch atleast once. this A. lets their coworkers see what a fine catch they made, and B. will relieve them from the stress of work, if only for an hour. plus the rest of the day their coworkers will be asking them about you, hence they will spend less time working and more time thinking about you.
20. guys/girls, be sure to make friends with your significant other's best friend. if they like you they'll be the first ones to help you with your partner, if they don't like you they'll be the first ones suggesting that they kick you to the curb.
Etiquitte of relationships
these rules are here as funny advice to avoid certain mishaps that most couples end up dealing with. they are not meant to be sexist or anything of the sort, just funny and hopefully helpful. if you don't find them to be either, then just don't read them next time. if you really don't like them then post a reply telling me how you feel about them, and maybe i'll take your advice.
1. guys, you are required to go shopping atleast once with your girlfriend. you are required not to gripe and complain and you must offer something resembling an opinion. girls, you must remember that what you invite him to shop for has direct corelation with how much he enjoys himself and if he'll ever go shopping with you again. for example if you take him lingerie shopping then he will definetly be back for another round. but if you take him shoe shopping then he may end up scarred for life and flee under a desk everytime you mention the word "shop". so pick your mission wisely.
2. girls, you have full right to ask your boyfriend really touchy questions like "does this make me look fat?" or "am I a better kisser than your ex?". and guys, you have full right to ignore them, act like you didn't hear the question and move on. nothing good can come from you answering a loaded question.
3. guys, if another guy offends your girlfriend's honor then you are required to step up for them. even if it means getting the ever living hell beat out of you. girls, if your boyfriend is involved in a fight especially about you, you are required to cheer him on, even if it is a stupid fight. and if your boyfriend does receive the world's biggest boot to the head, then you are obligated to stay with him and help him nurse his wounds. if the fight was in defense of you, then the boyfriend better be receiving alot of affection from you once he's healed. final clause: girls must never, ever, ever leave their boyfriend for the guy that just kicked his ass. i don't care how cute he is or how much of a wimp your boyfriend turned out to be. you just can't kick a man while he's down, especially if he's down because he fought for you.
4.guys, when you get a girlfriend, you are required to remove all of the phone numbers of your old girlfriends and bootycalls from your phone. it's ok to keep their number somewhere (in a 50 pound safe for example) but they must not be where your girlfriend can actually see them, thats just asking for trouble. girls, you are required not to look for phone numbers of old girlfriends. bootycalls. having their number doesn't actually do anything. you're not really gonna call them, all that this does is it gives you something else to argue about.
5. girls, you must never make any negative comments about the size of your boyfriend's equiptment. it's just not cool. guys, in return you must make no comments about her weight. these are both very touchy subjects so treat both with care. to be extra cautious a shrimply hung man should make comments about how light and graceful his girlfriend is. because if she's light and graceful then you must be big and powerful in comparison. it's the gift that keeps on giving.
6. guys and girls, don't write love letters and things of the sort and sign them "love forever" or "i'll always be yours". these will just come back to haunt you at the point of breakup, don't bring in the word "forever" until marriage.
7. guys, you are required to introduce your girlfriend to atleast two of your male friends. this does two things. it proves to your friends that she isn't just a myth and they get to secretly high-five you for getting laid, and your girlfriend gets to see what type of person you are when she's not around. if your friends act like drunken fratboys then she must assume that you act that way too, otherwise, why would you be friends with them? girls, you are forbidden from trying to seperate the boyfriend from is friends. yes they may be crude and disgusting guys, but they've been with him long before you met him and will still be there to bail him out of jail long after you've broken up.
8. girls, you are required to be nice and speak fondly of his mother. almost all men have a secret soft spot for "mom" and if you complain about her to them, then they'll complain about you to her. guys, the same is true of your girlfriend's father. you must speak well of him, even when she's upset at him, cause eventually her and her father will make up again and you'll be left with the guilt of calling her dad a horse's ass while they were fighting.
9. guys and girls. matching outfits, hell no. i don't care how cute they look but that is just taking the relationship too far. it's ok to have a similiar color scheme or for you both to wear the same rock band t-shirt. but matching wardrobe, hell no.
10. girls, your boyfriend is in no way required to let you take him shopping during your relationship. you have no control over how he dresses, just let him be. if he does decide to let you accompany him, try to stay as close to his original tastes as possible just make him dress a little bit neater. rome wasn't built in a day. guys, you are required to take your girlfriend with you when you go clothes shopping atleast once. try to get in and get out with as little of her opinion as possible, and may god have mercy on your soul.
11. guys, even if you did meet your girlfriend at a kegger or in the back seat of a stationwagon or whatever. don't spread that kind of info around. generally speaking girls don't like being portrayed as slutty, even when they are. and you just know that if another girl wanted to tease your girlfriend they would automatically bring up that particular story.
12. guys, if you used a pickup line when you first met your girlfriend, she has full right to tease you for it. girls, your boyfriends have full right to tease you for falling for it.
13. guys/ girls. if you're going out with the "boys" or the "girls" don't go anywhere your bf/gf frequents, nor anyplace that their friends frequent, nor any place that you as a couple go to. just a bad idea. it may have been harmless fun, but it won't be by the time the story gets back to your significant other. think "purple monkey dishwasher". a story about how you ran into an old girlfriend and bought her a drink will turn into you ran into an old girlfriend and disappeared into the mens room for a couple hours. the only exception to this rule is vegas. what happens at vegas, stays in vegas. even if you are seen there no-one, not even your partner's mother will tell them about it. because they next question is "well mom, what were You doing in that strip club?"
14. guys, at some point in your relationship you must recommend some sort of weird sexual act thats been floating in the back of your mind. they'll most likely shoot it down, but maybe, just maybe you might get that menage et trois. plus she can never accuse you of not being sexually adventerous. cause if they do you can just respond "well i asked if you wanted to try the praying monkey position". note: bonus points go to the guy who suggests anything from karma sutra.
15. guys, make sure to find out what "our song" is. if you can't recognize it she might be pissed. girls, he can't be blamed if you never tell him what "our song" is.
16. guys, you don't have to buy her diamonds and jewelry for her to be happy. just buy her flowers on her birthday and on your anniversary. they're not really expensive and they mean alot coming from you. you just have to actually put out some effort and learn what type of flowers she likes. note: flowers when she's feeling down can be more effective than hours of listening to her cry. they will remind her that you care without the need of you to actually care.
17. girls, treat your boyfriend to something special on his birthday or on your anniversary. if you've never given him head and you were thinking of expanding your relationship, now is the perfect time. plus it makes him actually care about dates and anniversaries. (he'll never forget it again). guys, this does not mean that you can try to get her to do anal on her birthday, unless of course she's been ranting about how much she wants to try it.
18. guys, atleast once in your relationship you should try to wake your girlfriend with a kiss. it's romantic, most likely she'll love it, just make sure she wasn't in vietnam or has a black belt or something. girls, try to respond in the same way to your boyfriend. wake him with a kiss, no, not on the lips. yea. every guy should experience it once. plus you'll be the one he's bragging about waking him with a blowjob for the next 2 years.
19. guys/girls, if possible try to go to your partner's work and take them out for lunch atleast once. this A. lets their coworkers see what a fine catch they made, and B. will relieve them from the stress of work, if only for an hour. plus the rest of the day their coworkers will be asking them about you, hence they will spend less time working and more time thinking about you.
20. guys/girls, be sure to make friends with your significant other's best friend. if they like you they'll be the first ones to help you with your partner, if they don't like you they'll be the first ones suggesting that they kick you to the curb.
Jester Jarriet's guide to picking up women.
Note: these are mostly learned through observation rather than experience. although the once learned through experience tend to confirm with the ones observed.
Pickup lines- Don't use them. They generally only work one out of ten times, and only if they're slightly amusing and the woman is feeling sympathetic. A simple, hello, my name is _______ whats your name will usually suffice.
Wingmen- Be very careful about who you pick as a wingman. a wingman is a lofty title given to the guy who is equally or less attractive than yourself, and has no real interest in dating at the present time. If you've got a good wingman they should be able to distract all of the friends of the girl you're trying to approach long enough for you to steal here away and get into a conversation with her. If you're smart, you'll pick a gregarious guy with little shame who doesn't mind making an ass of himself and likes telling charming stories about you or about his adventures with you. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU TEAM UP WITH A "LADIES MAN". This guy will cockblock you all night long and you will soon find yourself entertaining the friends of the girl you were interested in while HE steals her away and starts talking with her.
Being a wingman is kindof like poker, if you don't know who the rube is, then it's you.
Anecdotes-be very cautious when telling stories about yourself. They tend to make you look like a self-absorbed jackass. One is usually fine, as long as it's fairly brief and is vaguely interesting. If the girl is already enthralled with you for whatever reason then you can probably get away with three, but why push it? just seal the deal and get her number/e-mail. or if she's really into you just take her home.
However, the best way to let in anecdotes is to have your friends tell them while still in her group of friends. this draws the unwanted attention away from you and if it's a flattering story then it'll drum up support with her friends about you.
Location- Always go with your strong suits. If you're a good talker, work your magic at parties that don't have much in the way of music or distractions. Remain fairly sober and be the guy that people remember as the one who was good to talk to. If words aren't your thing, then dance clubs and locations with loud music are your best option. in these locations grace and body language mean everything, so if you aren't a good dancer already, you should learn.
Topics- Stick to what you know. girls can smell lies and false pretenses a mile away. Furthermore, try to refrain from the following subjects if at all possible: Religion, politics, and past relationships/ sexual experiences. Politics and religion just give her a list of things that you guys don't have in common. And talking about your exes is just bad form. The only girl she's interested in you discussing is her.
Language- be respectful, but memorable. Don't tell the girl that she's got a huge rack or a hot ass (unless all you want is a one-night stand, if then by all means). But do use clever phrasing and seldom but appropriate words whenever possible. Instead of saying "cool" or "awesome" or "sweet" say something more clever. For example: "wicked", "boss", etc. Clever terminology is even more memorable. If you can use the phrase "pimp-ass-dune-buggy" in a sentence for example, the girl will remember you. Depending on your target, then your terminology will change, but the overall goal of being respectful while memorable remains the same.
Targets- DO NOT go after the girl who has all the guys fawning over her. she won't be going home with any of them, nor giving them her number. Go after the girls who either look like they are having a good time and you want to contribute, or if you're more of the sensitive type, go for the girl who looks mildly uncomfortable or lonely.
Note: I said mildly uncomfortable or lonely, not excessively uncomfortable or heartbroken. You do not want to be the guy who burns his whole night comforting the girl who just had a fight with her boyfriend. I assure you, nine times out of ten he'll call back before the night is done and apologize to her. she'll thank you for being a good listener and then she'll go fuck her boyfriend. don't be that guy.
The girls who are mildly uncomfortable or lonely are the ones who came with their friends but their friends are already paired off with guys already or they just don't like the particular scene that you are in. If you've already followed the directions about location then you should be in your element here and you can show her a good time and turn what was going to be an awkward/lonely evening into a good evening. and she'll most likely be grateful. And if you've played your cards right, she'll be looking forward to you calling her.
Knowing when to bail- two parts to this topic, when to bail on a target and when to bail on the location.
A woman can generally tell within the first ten seconds of talking to you whether or not she'd fuck you. If all you're looking for is sex, then all you need is to judge her reactions to those first ten seconds. If you're actually looking for a possible girlfriend instead of a one-night stand, you need to push past those first ten. Obviously pay attention to them (if she doesn't want to fuck you now, then why would she want to date you?), but once you're past you still need to pay attention. The best advice I can give you is to watch her eyes. If she starts to glance away every so often, that means she's losing interest. either change the subject to something that might interest her, or bail. If she stops looking at you entirely, she's done. politely thank her for the conversation and move on. don't ask for her number, just go.
As far as the location goes, it very much depends on your success rate. if you've already gotten one or two legit contacts, then you can feel free to leave fairly early. It lets the girls you're pursuing know that they are important to you and you not desperate. It gives the sense that you were only interested in them, and now that you feel confident that you'll see them again, you don't need to waste anymore time talking to random women who aren't them. Of course if the night is going especially good then you don't want to leave until she's ready to leave. And if the night is going poorly you can either ply your trade for awhile and write the evening off as a waste, or you can stay until the numbers have dwindled down significantly. If you stay this late, DO NOT keep trying to pick up on women. Use this time to make friends with the regulars and the people who work at the venue. These people will be invaluable next time around because they will create an automatic reputation for you, and will allow you to operate without a wingman. This is done by using the regular or the employee as a conduit by which to introduce yourself to the conversation and the woman.
Example: "hey larry, how's it going?"
"Pretty good, Jarriet right?"
"indeed my man, we met last week."
"oh thats right, how goes it?"
"pretty good, just making my rounds, saying hi to everyone, oh, who's this beautiful thing you're talking to?" "oh, thats ______, ________ brought her."
"oh, ______, A pleasure to meet you, I think I met your friend _____ last week."
And so on, and so forth. Great tactic, works well. mainly because the girl is social required to give you the time of day until you make an ass of yourself or overstay your welcome.
If you use this tactic, make sure to just get slightly past introductions before you excuse yourself to go greet other people. Once you've completed your rounds, track the girl down and begin an actual conversation, this is easier because you've already broken the ice and you already know eachother's names.
Thats all I got for you now. If you've got some gems you'd like to share or some corrections you'd like to see me make, by all means let me know.
Pickup lines- Don't use them. They generally only work one out of ten times, and only if they're slightly amusing and the woman is feeling sympathetic. A simple, hello, my name is _______ whats your name will usually suffice.
Wingmen- Be very careful about who you pick as a wingman. a wingman is a lofty title given to the guy who is equally or less attractive than yourself, and has no real interest in dating at the present time. If you've got a good wingman they should be able to distract all of the friends of the girl you're trying to approach long enough for you to steal here away and get into a conversation with her. If you're smart, you'll pick a gregarious guy with little shame who doesn't mind making an ass of himself and likes telling charming stories about you or about his adventures with you. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU TEAM UP WITH A "LADIES MAN". This guy will cockblock you all night long and you will soon find yourself entertaining the friends of the girl you were interested in while HE steals her away and starts talking with her.
Being a wingman is kindof like poker, if you don't know who the rube is, then it's you.
Anecdotes-be very cautious when telling stories about yourself. They tend to make you look like a self-absorbed jackass. One is usually fine, as long as it's fairly brief and is vaguely interesting. If the girl is already enthralled with you for whatever reason then you can probably get away with three, but why push it? just seal the deal and get her number/e-mail. or if she's really into you just take her home.
However, the best way to let in anecdotes is to have your friends tell them while still in her group of friends. this draws the unwanted attention away from you and if it's a flattering story then it'll drum up support with her friends about you.
Location- Always go with your strong suits. If you're a good talker, work your magic at parties that don't have much in the way of music or distractions. Remain fairly sober and be the guy that people remember as the one who was good to talk to. If words aren't your thing, then dance clubs and locations with loud music are your best option. in these locations grace and body language mean everything, so if you aren't a good dancer already, you should learn.
Topics- Stick to what you know. girls can smell lies and false pretenses a mile away. Furthermore, try to refrain from the following subjects if at all possible: Religion, politics, and past relationships/ sexual experiences. Politics and religion just give her a list of things that you guys don't have in common. And talking about your exes is just bad form. The only girl she's interested in you discussing is her.
Language- be respectful, but memorable. Don't tell the girl that she's got a huge rack or a hot ass (unless all you want is a one-night stand, if then by all means). But do use clever phrasing and seldom but appropriate words whenever possible. Instead of saying "cool" or "awesome" or "sweet" say something more clever. For example: "wicked", "boss", etc. Clever terminology is even more memorable. If you can use the phrase "pimp-ass-dune-buggy" in a sentence for example, the girl will remember you. Depending on your target, then your terminology will change, but the overall goal of being respectful while memorable remains the same.
Targets- DO NOT go after the girl who has all the guys fawning over her. she won't be going home with any of them, nor giving them her number. Go after the girls who either look like they are having a good time and you want to contribute, or if you're more of the sensitive type, go for the girl who looks mildly uncomfortable or lonely.
Note: I said mildly uncomfortable or lonely, not excessively uncomfortable or heartbroken. You do not want to be the guy who burns his whole night comforting the girl who just had a fight with her boyfriend. I assure you, nine times out of ten he'll call back before the night is done and apologize to her. she'll thank you for being a good listener and then she'll go fuck her boyfriend. don't be that guy.
The girls who are mildly uncomfortable or lonely are the ones who came with their friends but their friends are already paired off with guys already or they just don't like the particular scene that you are in. If you've already followed the directions about location then you should be in your element here and you can show her a good time and turn what was going to be an awkward/lonely evening into a good evening. and she'll most likely be grateful. And if you've played your cards right, she'll be looking forward to you calling her.
Knowing when to bail- two parts to this topic, when to bail on a target and when to bail on the location.
A woman can generally tell within the first ten seconds of talking to you whether or not she'd fuck you. If all you're looking for is sex, then all you need is to judge her reactions to those first ten seconds. If you're actually looking for a possible girlfriend instead of a one-night stand, you need to push past those first ten. Obviously pay attention to them (if she doesn't want to fuck you now, then why would she want to date you?), but once you're past you still need to pay attention. The best advice I can give you is to watch her eyes. If she starts to glance away every so often, that means she's losing interest. either change the subject to something that might interest her, or bail. If she stops looking at you entirely, she's done. politely thank her for the conversation and move on. don't ask for her number, just go.
As far as the location goes, it very much depends on your success rate. if you've already gotten one or two legit contacts, then you can feel free to leave fairly early. It lets the girls you're pursuing know that they are important to you and you not desperate. It gives the sense that you were only interested in them, and now that you feel confident that you'll see them again, you don't need to waste anymore time talking to random women who aren't them. Of course if the night is going especially good then you don't want to leave until she's ready to leave. And if the night is going poorly you can either ply your trade for awhile and write the evening off as a waste, or you can stay until the numbers have dwindled down significantly. If you stay this late, DO NOT keep trying to pick up on women. Use this time to make friends with the regulars and the people who work at the venue. These people will be invaluable next time around because they will create an automatic reputation for you, and will allow you to operate without a wingman. This is done by using the regular or the employee as a conduit by which to introduce yourself to the conversation and the woman.
Example: "hey larry, how's it going?"
"Pretty good, Jarriet right?"
"indeed my man, we met last week."
"oh thats right, how goes it?"
"pretty good, just making my rounds, saying hi to everyone, oh, who's this beautiful thing you're talking to?" "oh, thats ______, ________ brought her."
"oh, ______, A pleasure to meet you, I think I met your friend _____ last week."
And so on, and so forth. Great tactic, works well. mainly because the girl is social required to give you the time of day until you make an ass of yourself or overstay your welcome.
If you use this tactic, make sure to just get slightly past introductions before you excuse yourself to go greet other people. Once you've completed your rounds, track the girl down and begin an actual conversation, this is easier because you've already broken the ice and you already know eachother's names.
Thats all I got for you now. If you've got some gems you'd like to share or some corrections you'd like to see me make, by all means let me know.
Top 6 rules of dating
Top 6 rules of Dating
1.Age is not a restrictor. women my age have the same capability of being crazy as women younger or older than me. As a strict rule however, No-one who is closer to your parent's age than yours and no dating jailbait. both situations are bad news and not worth the trouble.
2. Gender is not a Restrictor. Men and Women are equally capable of being crazy, so why limit yourself to dating only half of them? but as a rule, don't date someone of a specific gender or the other for dumb reasons. dating a same-sex person to "freak people out" is not a legit reason to date someone. nor is dating an opposite-sex person if you're really attracted to same-sex and you only want to date the opposite-sex person to appease people in your life. don't date someone for public approval, date them for love.
3. Never-ever "chase" after someone. The person who controls the relationship is the one who cares the least, so if you have to court or chase after someone, that means they are setting the rules. Two people should always approach a relationship as equals. If someone wants to be dominant over other people then thats nice, go hire a servant, don't treat your s/o like crap because you can. This is of course negated if both partners are into D/S, in which case, have fun, whatever. But as a guideline for the rest of us, anyone who requires you to pursue them isn't worth catching. there should be mutual attraction from day one, otherwise move on.
4. The best way to tell if a relationship is going to last is shutting the hell up. if you can both stop talking for ten minutes of interrupted silence and neither of you feels awkward about it, then it means that both of you can stand being married to eachother. another good way is to time out how long fights last and what your good night/ bad night ratio is. if you're having equal or more of your nights being bad nights, it's time to move on. As much as we'd like to think that dating is about love and romance and all of that good stuff, it's not. it's about numbers. whether people realize or not. when people decide whether or not to stay with someone, they are weighing the pros and cons, adding up the numbers. if their s/o doesn't return phone calls it's negative points. if their s/o offers to pay for stuff it's positive points. once you've added everything up you check and see if you're in the negative. if you are then you'll most likely move on. if you're slightly in the positive most people will stay unless they've got a better offer, and of course the higher the positive number the more likely the desire to continue in the relationship.
5. Never, Ever date someone who has what you consider to be a "weird fetish". if it's weird to you now, it probably will always be weird to you, and no, you can't change that about someone. all they can do is to supress the desire to excercise that fetish. so if you're dating a girl who says "my favorite thing is to tie a guy up and pour hot wax all over him" and this freaks you out, run for the hills. yes, she's serious, and yes she wants to do it to you. get out before things get scary
6.Never ever continue dating someone who becomes financially reliant on you within a month. hell, within a year. it's completly understandable that people sometimes have bad luck in the employment enterprise, but until you've hit the year mark you have no reason to back them financially. before you get to a year, then they're just mooching. the most successful way to start a relationship, and to maintain a relationship is to make money not a concern. so if both people are financially secure, then money is not an issue, and they have to rely on personal problems to fuck things up.
1.Age is not a restrictor. women my age have the same capability of being crazy as women younger or older than me. As a strict rule however, No-one who is closer to your parent's age than yours and no dating jailbait. both situations are bad news and not worth the trouble.
2. Gender is not a Restrictor. Men and Women are equally capable of being crazy, so why limit yourself to dating only half of them? but as a rule, don't date someone of a specific gender or the other for dumb reasons. dating a same-sex person to "freak people out" is not a legit reason to date someone. nor is dating an opposite-sex person if you're really attracted to same-sex and you only want to date the opposite-sex person to appease people in your life. don't date someone for public approval, date them for love.
3. Never-ever "chase" after someone. The person who controls the relationship is the one who cares the least, so if you have to court or chase after someone, that means they are setting the rules. Two people should always approach a relationship as equals. If someone wants to be dominant over other people then thats nice, go hire a servant, don't treat your s/o like crap because you can. This is of course negated if both partners are into D/S, in which case, have fun, whatever. But as a guideline for the rest of us, anyone who requires you to pursue them isn't worth catching. there should be mutual attraction from day one, otherwise move on.
4. The best way to tell if a relationship is going to last is shutting the hell up. if you can both stop talking for ten minutes of interrupted silence and neither of you feels awkward about it, then it means that both of you can stand being married to eachother. another good way is to time out how long fights last and what your good night/ bad night ratio is. if you're having equal or more of your nights being bad nights, it's time to move on. As much as we'd like to think that dating is about love and romance and all of that good stuff, it's not. it's about numbers. whether people realize or not. when people decide whether or not to stay with someone, they are weighing the pros and cons, adding up the numbers. if their s/o doesn't return phone calls it's negative points. if their s/o offers to pay for stuff it's positive points. once you've added everything up you check and see if you're in the negative. if you are then you'll most likely move on. if you're slightly in the positive most people will stay unless they've got a better offer, and of course the higher the positive number the more likely the desire to continue in the relationship.
5. Never, Ever date someone who has what you consider to be a "weird fetish". if it's weird to you now, it probably will always be weird to you, and no, you can't change that about someone. all they can do is to supress the desire to excercise that fetish. so if you're dating a girl who says "my favorite thing is to tie a guy up and pour hot wax all over him" and this freaks you out, run for the hills. yes, she's serious, and yes she wants to do it to you. get out before things get scary
6.Never ever continue dating someone who becomes financially reliant on you within a month. hell, within a year. it's completly understandable that people sometimes have bad luck in the employment enterprise, but until you've hit the year mark you have no reason to back them financially. before you get to a year, then they're just mooching. the most successful way to start a relationship, and to maintain a relationship is to make money not a concern. so if both people are financially secure, then money is not an issue, and they have to rely on personal problems to fuck things up.
Religion Chokes the Human Spirit.
I haven't posted any content in awhile, so here are some Oldies to make up for it. New post coming soon.
Religion chokes the human spirit.
Never in history has the human race witness a more destructive or harmful force as religion. looking back through history, various religions are responsible for countless wars, deaths, and atrocities.
What nobody has bothered asking is "Why?".
Why do we mindlessly follw these 5,000 year old mistakes. yes, prior to man's remote understanding of the world around us, we needed some way to explain our surroundings.
1. How did we get here?
A- the universe burst into existence (method is up to you, who really cares?) and on a small planet in this universe your species evolved into sentience. congrats, your theoretical intelligence has put you at the top of the food chain.
2. Where do we go when we die?
A- does it really matter? nobody knows until they get there, and nobody who gets there can come back and tell you, so debating this question is EXTREMELY academic and pointless. if you want to believe that you'll be reincarnated, believe that, if you want to believe that you exist then you cease to exist, then believe that. the answer to this question can only be decided by you and it doesn't really matter anyways.
3. What do we do til then?
A- You live stupid! you go out into the world, learn about it, try to improve it, try to fix the things you decide are wrong with it. these are all highly natural things to do with one's existence.
You do not need a organized religion to explain all of this to you, I just finished explaining it all to you. religion was originally established with the basis of one person coming to a conclusion about the world around him, he tells the people around him, and if they agree then this becomes a point in their religious view of the world.
The Human Problem-
While the concept of quenching fears is a good one, it has a problem. Humans have the unhealthy natual desire to control other creatures, including other humans. nowhere has this power been so great as it is in religion.
For example-
one human comes up with a basic religious belief. I.E. the sun is able to warm us and to burn us, it must therefore be a god. to a unknowing person this is a reasonable belief. but what if one person comes up with a way to gain benefit from this? a crafty human states the next possible conclusion. I.E. If the god is burning us, we must have made it unhappy. we should give it food to make it happy so it'll stop burning us. the people leave food for the god, the crafty person eats the food. the people see this as proof that the god exists, thus granting the crafty person more power if he so decides to use it.
thats just one example of how insanely religion can be used for personal gain. here are a few historical examples:
1- the jews were led to believe that every time the committed a sin, they must slaughter and burn a food animal to pay for their sin. now who can come to gain from this? nearly anyone. someone who is dishonest and raises food animals can raise the price of their food animals because of the scarcity this custom creates. if the tradition is to sacrfice lambs, then lamb meat skyrockets in value. you can even see how these con-men tried to keep a lock on their market, in judaism pork and shellfish were considered "unclean" religiously, so they could not be eaten, and could not be sacrficed. furthermore you have the people who perform the ceremony. they can now charge whatever price they want to let these people sacrifice the food animal in the "proper way". and again even the people who introduced the concept of what is a sin can profit or gain from their neighbor's suffering. a wealthy man with many wives (as the hebrews had back then)wouldn't need to worry about adultery, so making it a sin would only punish the people who were too poor to support a wife. therefore the rich could easily get richer under the guise of looking religious.
2- the Hindus believe that each person is reincarnated from a previous form. this in itself is not a bad thing. what gets bad is the rating of each form of life. someone born a man is inherinetly better than someone born a woman, and both of them are better than someone born into the untouchable class. the untouchables being one of the most clever and wicked religious cons of all time. somebody managed to convince an entire group of people that they were a lower form of life than insects and that the most they could ever hope to gain from this incarnation would be to serve one of the higher incarnations or to die quickly.
3- and don't start laughing at the hindu's too soon christians, let us not forget that christianity managed to convince everyone that black people were a sub race spawned by the devil and that the best they could hope for would be to serve the white people.
I can keep going, but i think you get my point.
All of these terrible things were done with the pretext of religion, and as time went on the more complicated the mythology became and the more brutal the scams became.
During the Catholic reign over europe the catholic church literally would charge people money to buy their way into heaven, yet again letting the rich get richer for doing nothing more than upholding a lie that their ancestors put into place. (yes folks, the catholic church was a family business)
Now here are my questions and I don't expect to get any real answers.
1- why do you hold onto a mythology that hurts you?
2- why do you not seek vengence against those who did these injustices?
3- why not come up with something better?
honestly folks, theres gotta be better religious answers to those three intial questions posed than the answers the organized religions give us. don't get me wrong, I have no problem with mythology on a personal basis. but I have a serious problem with people attempting to control other people through their intellectual weakness.
yes i said it, intellectual weakness. mythology is the answer for the people who are too mentally unsure to accept the utter lack of real answers the universe has left us with.
There are no real answers.
Either accept your mythology for what it is, a crutch. or give up on it entirely.
Personally I believe in reincarnation. I believe that the world makes more sense to me if souls constantly live their lives and then go through it all over again.
have I joined the hindu faith?
have I joined the buddhist faith?
I simply believe what I feel I need to believe to function in this world without answers and I move on.
You should do the same.
Believe what you Need.
Not what you're Told.
and if someone ever says to you "Hey, why don't you come join my religion?" PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE! if you discover someone else's path and decide you'd like something similiar for yourself, thats fine. but remember,
Strangers who come knocking on your door ALWAYS want to sell you something, regardless of what they tell you.
Religion chokes the human spirit.
Never in history has the human race witness a more destructive or harmful force as religion. looking back through history, various religions are responsible for countless wars, deaths, and atrocities.
What nobody has bothered asking is "Why?".
Why do we mindlessly follw these 5,000 year old mistakes. yes, prior to man's remote understanding of the world around us, we needed some way to explain our surroundings.
1. How did we get here?
A- the universe burst into existence (method is up to you, who really cares?) and on a small planet in this universe your species evolved into sentience. congrats, your theoretical intelligence has put you at the top of the food chain.
2. Where do we go when we die?
A- does it really matter? nobody knows until they get there, and nobody who gets there can come back and tell you, so debating this question is EXTREMELY academic and pointless. if you want to believe that you'll be reincarnated, believe that, if you want to believe that you exist then you cease to exist, then believe that. the answer to this question can only be decided by you and it doesn't really matter anyways.
3. What do we do til then?
A- You live stupid! you go out into the world, learn about it, try to improve it, try to fix the things you decide are wrong with it. these are all highly natural things to do with one's existence.
You do not need a organized religion to explain all of this to you, I just finished explaining it all to you. religion was originally established with the basis of one person coming to a conclusion about the world around him, he tells the people around him, and if they agree then this becomes a point in their religious view of the world.
The Human Problem-
While the concept of quenching fears is a good one, it has a problem. Humans have the unhealthy natual desire to control other creatures, including other humans. nowhere has this power been so great as it is in religion.
For example-
one human comes up with a basic religious belief. I.E. the sun is able to warm us and to burn us, it must therefore be a god. to a unknowing person this is a reasonable belief. but what if one person comes up with a way to gain benefit from this? a crafty human states the next possible conclusion. I.E. If the god is burning us, we must have made it unhappy. we should give it food to make it happy so it'll stop burning us. the people leave food for the god, the crafty person eats the food. the people see this as proof that the god exists, thus granting the crafty person more power if he so decides to use it.
thats just one example of how insanely religion can be used for personal gain. here are a few historical examples:
1- the jews were led to believe that every time the committed a sin, they must slaughter and burn a food animal to pay for their sin. now who can come to gain from this? nearly anyone. someone who is dishonest and raises food animals can raise the price of their food animals because of the scarcity this custom creates. if the tradition is to sacrfice lambs, then lamb meat skyrockets in value. you can even see how these con-men tried to keep a lock on their market, in judaism pork and shellfish were considered "unclean" religiously, so they could not be eaten, and could not be sacrficed. furthermore you have the people who perform the ceremony. they can now charge whatever price they want to let these people sacrifice the food animal in the "proper way". and again even the people who introduced the concept of what is a sin can profit or gain from their neighbor's suffering. a wealthy man with many wives (as the hebrews had back then)wouldn't need to worry about adultery, so making it a sin would only punish the people who were too poor to support a wife. therefore the rich could easily get richer under the guise of looking religious.
2- the Hindus believe that each person is reincarnated from a previous form. this in itself is not a bad thing. what gets bad is the rating of each form of life. someone born a man is inherinetly better than someone born a woman, and both of them are better than someone born into the untouchable class. the untouchables being one of the most clever and wicked religious cons of all time. somebody managed to convince an entire group of people that they were a lower form of life than insects and that the most they could ever hope to gain from this incarnation would be to serve one of the higher incarnations or to die quickly.
3- and don't start laughing at the hindu's too soon christians, let us not forget that christianity managed to convince everyone that black people were a sub race spawned by the devil and that the best they could hope for would be to serve the white people.
I can keep going, but i think you get my point.
All of these terrible things were done with the pretext of religion, and as time went on the more complicated the mythology became and the more brutal the scams became.
During the Catholic reign over europe the catholic church literally would charge people money to buy their way into heaven, yet again letting the rich get richer for doing nothing more than upholding a lie that their ancestors put into place. (yes folks, the catholic church was a family business)
Now here are my questions and I don't expect to get any real answers.
1- why do you hold onto a mythology that hurts you?
2- why do you not seek vengence against those who did these injustices?
3- why not come up with something better?
honestly folks, theres gotta be better religious answers to those three intial questions posed than the answers the organized religions give us. don't get me wrong, I have no problem with mythology on a personal basis. but I have a serious problem with people attempting to control other people through their intellectual weakness.
yes i said it, intellectual weakness. mythology is the answer for the people who are too mentally unsure to accept the utter lack of real answers the universe has left us with.
There are no real answers.
Either accept your mythology for what it is, a crutch. or give up on it entirely.
Personally I believe in reincarnation. I believe that the world makes more sense to me if souls constantly live their lives and then go through it all over again.
have I joined the hindu faith?
have I joined the buddhist faith?
I simply believe what I feel I need to believe to function in this world without answers and I move on.
You should do the same.
Believe what you Need.
Not what you're Told.
and if someone ever says to you "Hey, why don't you come join my religion?" PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE! if you discover someone else's path and decide you'd like something similiar for yourself, thats fine. but remember,
Strangers who come knocking on your door ALWAYS want to sell you something, regardless of what they tell you.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Welcome, to the world of tomorrow.
As promised, post number 2, this one is a bit more positive than the other one. Mostly just something that came to mind a few days ago.
This is a prediction of the country the way it might be, not the way it will be.
The country is a land of division. People long ago discovered that the only way to keep from killing eachother over things like socio-economics and religion, was to seperate themselves from eachother.
In this country the land is divided up into urban, rural, and educational.
Educational land is land devoted to the young. All children leave their parents and move to a boarding school mandatorily from the age of 10 to 18. They can communicate with their relatives and visit them on holidays, but they no longer live with their parents.
These children are given eight years to master their primary education, all the knowledge and skills that are required to be an average functional citizen.
Upon reaching the age of 18, they are given tests and options. If they already know what they want to be, they merely test for it, and if qualified, either enter the field, or take on any additional education needed. If they fail to qualify, they can place this career as a secondary option, something to work towards, but then test to see what jobs they do qualify for.
Once trained and qualified, they are placed into the field, with people like themselves. They have had eight years of supervised diversity in the public education system, now, at their option, they can return to the culture that they grew up in, or come join a new one that they have learned to love. Within this cultural equation is also the question of demand, A job with high demand allows the candidate to choose to live wherever they want, a low demand job leaves you with fewer options.
If chosen, the candidate moves to his or her new Rural or Urban habitat. It could be their home town, or some metropolis they have never been to.
The rural towns are the crop centers of the country, vast fields of crops and livestock, employing countless laborers who either chose to be their, or merely qualified to be there. Those who qualified know that they will be doing manual labor, but it will be in the open air, away from the pollution and tight living spaces of the urban centers. They will live a simplier life of their own choosing. Surrounded by neighbors much like themselves, with similar values. They have much of the qualities of city life, but on a much smaller scale.
The Urban centers are the mixing pot, home of those who want to be diverse, want friends and neighbors of differing cultures. The urban centers are the home of manufacturing, entertainment, and all kinds of mass-production. Unlike rural centers, laws are uniform in urban centers. There are no cultural laws, if you want those, you move to a town who's culture supports them. In the cities, only what is accepted by everyone is made into law.
The lifestyle of the city dweller is fast paced and exciting, which is how they like it. Some people get burned out on city living, and move to rural towns to live for awhile, but they always have the option to return. Cities always need more workers of all fields.
In this world, people live the life that they choose, and the life they are capable of. No-one gains a job they are unqualified for (unless it is working for their own parents in their home town), and no-one suffers from being overqualified and working a lower scale job.
The world is competitive for the high ranking jobs, but there are plenty of middle and low skill jobs for everyone. If you feel that life is too hard and you want your life to be simple but pleasant, that life is waiting for you, if you want life to challenge you, that option is waiting for you too.
This is a prediction of the country the way it might be, not the way it will be.
The country is a land of division. People long ago discovered that the only way to keep from killing eachother over things like socio-economics and religion, was to seperate themselves from eachother.
In this country the land is divided up into urban, rural, and educational.
Educational land is land devoted to the young. All children leave their parents and move to a boarding school mandatorily from the age of 10 to 18. They can communicate with their relatives and visit them on holidays, but they no longer live with their parents.
These children are given eight years to master their primary education, all the knowledge and skills that are required to be an average functional citizen.
Upon reaching the age of 18, they are given tests and options. If they already know what they want to be, they merely test for it, and if qualified, either enter the field, or take on any additional education needed. If they fail to qualify, they can place this career as a secondary option, something to work towards, but then test to see what jobs they do qualify for.
Once trained and qualified, they are placed into the field, with people like themselves. They have had eight years of supervised diversity in the public education system, now, at their option, they can return to the culture that they grew up in, or come join a new one that they have learned to love. Within this cultural equation is also the question of demand, A job with high demand allows the candidate to choose to live wherever they want, a low demand job leaves you with fewer options.
If chosen, the candidate moves to his or her new Rural or Urban habitat. It could be their home town, or some metropolis they have never been to.
The rural towns are the crop centers of the country, vast fields of crops and livestock, employing countless laborers who either chose to be their, or merely qualified to be there. Those who qualified know that they will be doing manual labor, but it will be in the open air, away from the pollution and tight living spaces of the urban centers. They will live a simplier life of their own choosing. Surrounded by neighbors much like themselves, with similar values. They have much of the qualities of city life, but on a much smaller scale.
The Urban centers are the mixing pot, home of those who want to be diverse, want friends and neighbors of differing cultures. The urban centers are the home of manufacturing, entertainment, and all kinds of mass-production. Unlike rural centers, laws are uniform in urban centers. There are no cultural laws, if you want those, you move to a town who's culture supports them. In the cities, only what is accepted by everyone is made into law.
The lifestyle of the city dweller is fast paced and exciting, which is how they like it. Some people get burned out on city living, and move to rural towns to live for awhile, but they always have the option to return. Cities always need more workers of all fields.
In this world, people live the life that they choose, and the life they are capable of. No-one gains a job they are unqualified for (unless it is working for their own parents in their home town), and no-one suffers from being overqualified and working a lower scale job.
The world is competitive for the high ranking jobs, but there are plenty of middle and low skill jobs for everyone. If you feel that life is too hard and you want your life to be simple but pleasant, that life is waiting for you, if you want life to challenge you, that option is waiting for you too.
I think the earth is 4 days old.
Yea, Im late, so you get two.
The earth is 6,000 years old some would say.
Utter bullshit I would reply.
The young earth creationists believe that the bible is literal, well, let's disassemble it literally.
If Adam and Eve existed in the time of the dinosaurs, why has there never been dinosaur bones found along with human bones? Furthermore, why are dinosaurs never mentioned in the bible?
It's simple, Humans and Dinosaurs never existed together. More specifically, those who wrote the bible never encountered dinosaurs, nor their bones, therefore, they are not mentioned.
Other religions can make claim to having contacted dinosaurs (dragons) but they claim the earth to be significantly older and they equate dragons as godly or supernatural. Specifically not mortal.
The book is filled with exclusions like this. If you'll notice, all the action takes place in the middle east, not once does any event take place anywhere else. Even the letters to the greeks were written in the middle east.
What happened to the rest of the world? Clearly the world was populated, but the book entirely neglects any other culture.
Because, yet again, the authors never traveled anywhere and never met anyone new.
The entirety of the christian faith is based on mythologies of that area, mixed in with a fairly large number of rather universal religious references (cross, sun, star, the number 12, virgin birth, betrayal, return from death, etc)
The book of mormon has a more exacting description of history, and their theory is batshit crazy.
So how can a religious movement claim superiority over agreed upon scientific historical notations?
They can't.
The universe is 6,000 years old because they say it is, there is no fact, no science, nothing that supports that theory. All they have is Oral tradition of a mythology that eventually got turned into a book. A book which for whatever reason they choose to take literally.
The earth is 6,000 years old some would say.
Utter bullshit I would reply.
The young earth creationists believe that the bible is literal, well, let's disassemble it literally.
If Adam and Eve existed in the time of the dinosaurs, why has there never been dinosaur bones found along with human bones? Furthermore, why are dinosaurs never mentioned in the bible?
It's simple, Humans and Dinosaurs never existed together. More specifically, those who wrote the bible never encountered dinosaurs, nor their bones, therefore, they are not mentioned.
Other religions can make claim to having contacted dinosaurs (dragons) but they claim the earth to be significantly older and they equate dragons as godly or supernatural. Specifically not mortal.
The book is filled with exclusions like this. If you'll notice, all the action takes place in the middle east, not once does any event take place anywhere else. Even the letters to the greeks were written in the middle east.
What happened to the rest of the world? Clearly the world was populated, but the book entirely neglects any other culture.
Because, yet again, the authors never traveled anywhere and never met anyone new.
The entirety of the christian faith is based on mythologies of that area, mixed in with a fairly large number of rather universal religious references (cross, sun, star, the number 12, virgin birth, betrayal, return from death, etc)
The book of mormon has a more exacting description of history, and their theory is batshit crazy.
So how can a religious movement claim superiority over agreed upon scientific historical notations?
They can't.
The universe is 6,000 years old because they say it is, there is no fact, no science, nothing that supports that theory. All they have is Oral tradition of a mythology that eventually got turned into a book. A book which for whatever reason they choose to take literally.
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