Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quick Review of Paranorman

Haven't seen very many movies lately, but I do want to go see Expendables 2 at some point soon.
But what I have seen is Paranorman.

First warning, this is a kids movie, so if you go to see it in theaters, expect a shitload of children.
That being said, the movie had plenty of adult jokes hidden in it to make it enjoyable for those of us who can vote and buy cigarettes.
I couldn't help but laugh when the adult jokes came in and the laughter in the audience changed from high-pitched to lower.

The movie is basically about the kid from "The Sixth Sense" but a few years older and much more cynical. He can see and talk to ghosts, his family and everyone in town doesn't believe him.
Shit happens.

But then craziness goes down and the town is confronted with the reality that ghosts exist. Good times.

I'm actually rather pleased with the overall moral of the story "Don't judge people who are different than you."

It comes out quite obviously in the adventures of the title character, but it also features very heavily in his overweight best friend, and a gay character who I won't name to avoid spoilers.

The gay character really slams home the moral. Like smacking the audience in the face and saying "With all of this crazy shit going on how could you possibly think that I'M the worst thing out there?"

Cause, really, who cares if someone is gay. It shouldn't matter to anyone but them and their partner. And with all of the war and economic trouble in the world, gay people should really be the least of our worries.

I love that this children's movie decided to make a point about that. It made the already enjoyable movie that much more enjoyable, and it introduces children to the concept that gay people aren't as weird as some people make them out to be. Cause really, throughout the whole movie there is very few signs that the character is gay. They are just another person, who happens to be gay, and that's really how everyone should look at it.

Thumbs up all the way on this movie.

Political/ Economic theory post in the works, I'll get it up here eventually.


  1. Please sign the petition to get this movie rating upgraded to "R" as the content is this movie is especially not appropriate even for a 13 year old. Therefore even making this a PG13 would render inaccurate! Please Sign & Share the petition

    Thank you!!

  2. I'm sorry, but I very much disagree with your opinion here. The movie is rated PG for scary imagery and concepts. I agree with that rating as the ghosts and zombies are a bit questionable for younger viewers.

    I understand your concern that the content might be inappropriate for younger viewers that parents don't want to expose to sexuality and homosexuality.
    That's why it's rated PG.
    PG means that it is up to you as a parent to view the movie before you take your children to see it (or read about it online).
    If you don't want your small children to see it, then that is your right as a parent. However it is also your responsibility to make sure the content is appropriate for them. Hence the PG MPAA label.

    The idea that the movie would be inappropriate for a child of the age of 13 is ludicrous. Any and all 13 year old kids have come into some contact with sexuality or homosexuality. By that age they have most likely discovered internet pornography and probably know atleast one homosexual or someone questioning their sexual preference. Beyond that, there is of course the constant contact with television where violence and sex (of all preferences) is readily available.

    The movie was made for open minded children. Which is what most children are before their parents try to force prejudice on them. Let them be kids.
    Honestly, all of the children in the theater when my girlfriend and I saw the movie just laughed at the boyfriend line. They just thought it was silly that the girl spent the entire movie hitting on him only to discover that he was already taken.
    I'm pretty sure the kids would have felt the same effect if he had said that he had a girlfriend or even a wife. It was a two-tier joke. Part of it was for kids, the other part was for adults.

    So needless to say, I will not be signing your petition, and I will not be recommending it to anyone else either.

    1. I'm also amused that your petition has been up for two days with you presumably spamming every related topic you can find.... and you only have 16 signatures. out of 500,000.
      I don't think many other people agree with you.

      Which makes sense, since it has about an 80% approval rating and has made 28 million dollars.

    2. At the current rate this petition is gathering signatures, they should have the required amount in 240 years.
