Friday, January 1, 2010

The 00's, a decade in review

So the last ten years can pretty universally be stated as one of the worst decades in American history.

We had the economic troubles of the 1930's, the wars of the 1960's, and probably the worst president in American history.

But more than anything else, this was a decade of drastic change. Consider the following:
-In 1999 alot of people had a computer and a cellphone, in 2009 cellphones have progressed to be more powerful than most computers in 1999.
-In 1999 most people were vaguely connected via e-mail and phone numbers, now we have social networking sites that allow us to remain in contact with people we would have lost contact with in 1999.
- In 1999 Napster was the big change to the internet and media marketplace. You could get music without copying it from radio or buying a CD. Now you can get anything from the internet. PDF's, movies, tv shows, computer programs, videogames, etc. you name it, it can be obtained from the internet. Some people even do their grocery shopping via the internet.
- The biggest change in America has been the way the American people deal with employment. In the 1990's a person would take a job, and likely keep it for many years. in the 00's a person would get a job and then be in the market for a new job within a year or two. Job security has vanished, with it goes Pensions and medical coverage.

But as amazing as these changes are, most of them resulted in very negative outcomes. Internet file sharing as led to decreased value in most content. Social networking has decreased socializing. And the employment change has left most Americans without any sense of financial security.

So this decade ends with most Americans in financial danger, we're still at war, and basically 95% of Americans have significantly decreased happiness this decade over last decade.

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